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Rasmussen: SOTU bounce dissipated
Hot Air ^ | February 6, 2010 | Ed Morrissey

Posted on 02/06/2010 7:44:33 PM PST by 2ndDivisionVet

After the State of the Union speech, I exchanged e-mails with one of our best tipsters after he saw Barack Obama getting a significant boost in the polls. I predicted that the bump would increase over the weekend polling, which tends to favor Democrats, and start retreating by the middle of last week. In fact, the bump has been entirely dissipated, and Obama now has a -15 on the passion index and is eleven points underwater on overall approval in the Rasmussen daily tracking poll:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove which Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15. That matches the President’s ratings just before the State-of-the-Union Address. While Obama received a modest bounce in his ratings following the speech, today’s results suggest that the bounce is over …

Overall, 44% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance. That matches the lowest level of overall approval yet measured for this president. Fifty-five percent (55%) now disapprove.

This explains why Obama likes to keep himself on TV screens. He usually gets these kind of bumps from his major addresses, but those temporary increases now evaporate more quickly than before. People appear to sense potential in Obama, but are less patient for him to demonstrate it than they were at his election.

Part of the problem certainly springs from the massive deficits that the Obama administration has created. In a separate poll this week, Rasmussen shows that only 11% support deficit spending to fix the economy, while 70% believe that the federal government needs to downsize.

Obama tried to get in front of that impulse by talking about the deficit in the SOTU speech, but the announcement of a $1.6 trillion deficit in FY2010 and another $1.35 trillion in FY2011 made a mockery of Obama’s sudden deficit-hawk pose.

The internals of that poll should worry Obama and his team. Even a plurality of Democrats believe that the US needs to cut federal spending rather than splurge even more, 47%/21%. Republicans want to cut spending, 87%/6%, and independents are almost as adamant, 77%/6%. Even the normally safe demographics oppose Obama on his budget plans: a majority of black voters favor cuts, 58%/19%, women 68%/10%, young voters 68%/4%, and under-$20K earners 58%/14%.

It’s as close to a consensus as anything seen in American politics — and Obama is taking the opposite direction. No wonder his approval deficit continues to grow.

TOPICS: Issues; Parties; Polls
KEYWORDS: 2010polls; bho44; deadcatbounce; democrats; hopeychangey; obama; rasmussen; sotu
He can make a lot of trouble in 3 years, no matter what his poll numbers are.
1 posted on 02/06/2010 7:44:33 PM PST by 2ndDivisionVet
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

see previous thread here:

2 posted on 02/06/2010 7:47:18 PM PST by Notwithstanding (Wer glaubt ist nie allein. Who believes is never alone.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

TRUST? Advantage GOP.

Who do you trust on the Economy?
Dem 42%
GOP 46% ***

Who do you trust on National Security?
Dem 40%
GOP 49% ***

Who do you trust on the War in Iraq?
Dem 38%
GOP 46% ***

Who do you trust on Immigration?
Dem 36%
GOP 43% ***

Who do you trust on Education?
Dem 36%
GOP 40% ***

Who do you trust on Health Care?
Dem 37%
GOP 49% ***

Who do you trust on Social Security?
Dem 35%
GOP 45% ***

Who do you trust on Abortion?
Dem 32%
GOP 46% ***

Who do you trust on Taxes?
Dem 34%
GOP 50% ***

Who do you trust on Gov’t Ethics/Corruption?
Dem 33% (media propraganda failed in all but this category)
GOP 30%

3 posted on 02/06/2010 7:48:16 PM PST by Notwithstanding (Wer glaubt ist nie allein. Who believes is never alone.)
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How can Obozo only be at a -15? Shouldn’t he be at a -bazillion by now? What is wrong with these people who still think he is doing a good job???????????

4 posted on 02/06/2010 7:50:56 PM PST by Britt0n
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
This explains why Obama likes to keep himself on TV screens

The problem for Obama is, that only works for so long, especially when all you have to say is the same ol' same ol' excuses and blaming games.

5 posted on 02/06/2010 7:53:09 PM PST by hinckley buzzard
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

The bounce was a mirage...

6 posted on 02/06/2010 7:53:13 PM PST by citizencon
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To: citizencon

Today’s numbers are the:

Lowest Ever Total 0bama Approval: 44% (ties with 1/23, 12/24, 12/22, 12/18/ & 12/14)

Second Highest Ever 0bama Disapproval: 55% (highest was 56% on 12/24 & 12/22)

7 posted on 02/06/2010 7:54:25 PM PST by Notwithstanding (Wer glaubt ist nie allein. Who believes is never alone.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Just judges alone will be a catastrophe.

How many more wise latinas can we stand in the justice system before it finally crushes under its own incompetence?

8 posted on 02/06/2010 7:55:50 PM PST by evad (OBAMA is a Clear and Present Danger to This Nation..and...He doesn't learn.)
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To: Britt0n

What is wrong with these people who still think he is doing a good job???????????
These people have no idea how our government works, how it is SUPPOSED to work, how it was designed by our founders, what patriotism is, what freedom is and is not, what oppression is, or much of anything else other than sweating the welfare check they are probably buying booze and cigarettes with. These are also the same group that are stupid enough to believe what they read in the MSM rags and hear on the MSM TV and cable networks. That is who they are.

9 posted on 02/06/2010 7:57:33 PM PST by EagleUSA
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To: Britt0n
I recall when Billy Boy Clinton was stinking up the place early in his term. He and Algore couldn't even find the door to the men's room without help. Media whores came to his defense, saying "but he's trying as hard as he can," and we should be patient and forgiving of "our young president," and all this tripe.

There are many who do the same thing for our young handsome eloquent (lightskinned negro) president.

Sickening, I know, but that's liberals for you.

10 posted on 02/06/2010 7:57:53 PM PST by hinckley buzzard
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To: hinckley buzzard
"There are many who do the same thing for our young handsome eloquent President."

Still looking for the Sarc /Sarc tags

11 posted on 02/06/2010 8:03:48 PM PST by plinyelder ("I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born." -- Ronald Reagan)
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To: EagleUSA
What is wrong with these people who still think he is doing a good job??????????? ::::::::: These people have no idea how our government works, how it is SUPPOSED to work, how it was designed by our founders, what patriotism is, what freedom is and is not, what oppression is, or much of anything else other than sweating the welfare check they are probably buying booze and cigarettes with. These are also the same group that are stupid enough to believe what they read in the MSM rags and hear on the MSM TV and cable networks. That is who they are.


They don't work so they don't care about jobs.
They are the same bunch of sycophants that will always support Obama because they know he will give them the handout they so desperately desire.

The biggest problem is that they are growing in numbers and percentages.

12 posted on 02/06/2010 8:07:09 PM PST by evad (OBAMA is a Clear and Present Danger to This Nation..and...He doesn't learn.)
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To: plinyelder

I prefer light skinned negro with no dialect.

13 posted on 02/06/2010 8:09:10 PM PST by evad (OBAMA is a Clear and Present Danger to This Nation..and...He doesn't learn.)
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To: hinckley buzzard
our young handsome eloquent

Are you nuts or in love?
14 posted on 02/06/2010 8:37:54 PM PST by presently no screen name
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

But this is really good news, because it proves that The One has no staying power. People may be buoyed up by his rah rah speeches, but then they go back to trying to survive on a Hope and Change sandwich. He could make a lot more trouble, as in helping Dems get re-elected in the mid-term elections this year, if he still had 70% approval ratings.

15 posted on 02/06/2010 8:44:30 PM PST by bigbob
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To: evad

At least we can filibuster now. After November, it will be much harder to appoint anyone.

16 posted on 02/06/2010 8:59:13 PM PST by my small voice (A biased media and an uneducated public is the biggest threat to our democracy)
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The burning question on oBama's ridiculously recycled vaporous "speech" did the teleprompters do???!

......I betcha they got a good bounce.

17 posted on 02/06/2010 9:22:18 PM PST by NoRedTape
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Can anyone speak English anymore?

18 posted on 02/06/2010 9:28:08 PM PST by Rocky (Obama's policy: A thousand points of lies.)
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