We can’t oust a Speaker, once they’re elected, they’re locked in for two years. Even now with a 3-seat margin (our largest since about 1869), presuming it holds through next year’s election, we still have potential squishies the rodents might bribe (the arrogant apostate Puppet Speaker Traitor Kent ACTS like he’s still intending to keep his job, and what is even more galling, presuming the GOP doesn’t have the balls to strip him next year of the nomination, he might be able to persuade enough RINOs who had no problem debasing themselves to fellatiate Boss Hogg Naifeh for years to vote for him - with the whole Dem caucus aiding the cause).
The more numerous amount of seats we win (and target those that have voted for Boss Hogg in prior elections), the more likely we have of putting in the choice of the bulk of the caucus. It’s still outrageous one slimy little sophomore $hitstain can hold the entire majority party hostage.
So you can’t unseat the Speaker once he’s elected? Can you at least change the composition of the house committees and the committee chairmen?