I wonder if maybe it's a press intimidation factor at work? The knowledge that the press are totally out to screw him and every other GOP'er to the wall?
Of course, it's also possible that the Brotherhood of the Bell or whoever they are running this RiNO cabal at the center of the party, are giving Steele orders: do this, do this, don't support Limbaugh or The Crazies (i.e., us).
Blinking the second possibility, Steele certainly needs to confer and powwow with Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, and Maggie Thatcher, among others, on how to deal with psycho-assassin left-wing journopolemicists like Katie "Watch My Eyes Glow" Couric.
Steele is always who has been. He is not a victim. Unfortunately, tokenism is more important than competence when it comes to running the RNC, witness Mel Martinez.