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The Death of Democrat Jewish Innocence ^
Posted on 10/29/2023 11:46:36 AM PDT by DIRTYSECRET
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Jews with a history of being the Great Scapegoat in societies since the dispersion have adopted the predominant customs and politics of the nations they live in hoping that it provides cover against manifestations of antiJewish manias. They are outsiders wherever they and reside subject to pogroms when the local population is oppressed and suffers from causes they do know understand. It is easy for the rulers to blame them for what hardships and disasters might otherwise be rightly blamed on the rulers themselves.
posted on
10/29/2023 3:36:08 PM PDT
( covfefe kc )
To: zeestephen
Exactly. Jews will never support Republicans... NEVER.
posted on
10/29/2023 4:12:12 PM PDT
To: Jaysin
posted on
10/29/2023 4:13:16 PM PDT
To: Harpotoo
LOL...have to remember that one.
posted on
10/29/2023 4:15:25 PM PDT
To: No name given
“...before it’s too late.”
Alternatively, there might be a great awakening to monotheism of those who have been believing that the one and only God of the universe mimicked the plots of pagan stories by making a female human pregnant.
Comment #46 Removed by Moderator
To: zeestephen
Many Jews hate Israel, never have supported Israel as a State.
That’s a common misconception that every Jewish person supports Israel.
posted on
10/29/2023 4:53:18 PM PDT
(Endut! Hoch Hech!)
To: dfwgator
*And I don’t mean the stupidity of so many of them voting so often for their existential tormentors, etc.* They’ve contributed a lot to this country. Where would we be without them?
*Many Jews hate Israel, never have supported Israel as a State.* Might explain why there was a Holocaust. Reset.
I have wondered for decades—but good to know the incident and lives lost is not forgotten.
To: Jim W N
Try not to overlook the Lord's utter rejection of the to-be-reuilt temple in verse 1 and his abhorrence of the sacrifices to be offered. Those will be a repudiation of the work of Christ.
(From LaHaye/Hindson)
Isaiah has a word of encouragement to those faithful Jews (me: possibly banished to Petra) who will not participate in the rebuilding of the temple (verse 5) but are seeking to do God’s will. Isaiah also state that this new temple will only end in judgement (verse 6) and not in forgiveness of sin or acceptable worship.”
In verse 5 it reads:
Hear the word of the Lord, you who tremble at His word.
Your brethren who hated you, who cast you out for my name's sake . . ."
Regarding other matters:
There is a contingency attached to the deliverance of the Jewish survivors of the Tribulation and that is given by the Lord in Mt. 24:13.
posted on
10/30/2023 5:17:41 AM PDT
To: EliRoom8
You seem to dispute my point that
Soon Israel will find out who their true Friend is as depicted in Revelation Chapter 7 fulfilling Romans 11:26, "All Israel will be saved."
However the reason for your seeming dispute takes us off point about a divided Israel which is an entirely different subject than Israel finally coming to their Messiah.
Let's stick to my point or move on.
posted on
10/30/2023 8:21:40 AM PDT
Jim W N
(MAGA by restoring the Gospel of the Grace of Christ (Jude 3) and our Free Constitutional Republic!)
This “feel goodism” political alignment between Jews and liberalism is deeply rooted in Jewish biblical teachings and tradition. We were “chosen” to spread the concept of one G-d and to follow His commandments and laws. We were supposed to heal and bring peace to the world (tikkun olam), spread the words of “love thy neighbor” and “do unto others,” be charitable (tzedakah), do good deeds (mitzvot), etc. One can see why many Jews find the liberal path consistent with their Jewish roots and upbringing.This is garbage and nonsense. Mitzvot are not "good deeds"--they are commandments, and commandments imply submission to a Commander.
Liberal Jews, like the entire post-"enlightenment" western world, believe that there is some sort of objective, purely natural, non-Theistically based morality. No such thing has ever existed. The whole point of morality is submission to the Divine Will. Non-Theists cannot do this and so cannot be moral.
The author also fails to mention that championing homosexuality and warring against the Hebrew Bible (in the name of "fighting chrstianity") are hardly Biblical!
To: Jim W N
Revelation 7 pertains to the Tribulation, aka "Jacob's Trouble," not current events, and says zero about who is/isn't a friend of Israel. I don't know where you come up with these things. You also mentioned that Israel would have a king at this time!!!
Have you even bothered to study any of the the end-times treatments by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ed Hindsom, Tim LaHaye, Clarence Larkin, Dwight Pentecost, Thomas Ice, or Arno Gaebelein?
In particular Fruchtenbaum has done outstanding work and convincingly shows that the Jews will be divided into two camps -- there will be holdouts in Jerusalem and there will be a faithful remnant located at Petra.
As to this general topic I'd just as soon "move on" because your viewpoint is too bizarre and not worthy of dispute.
posted on
10/30/2023 10:14:21 AM PDT
To: EliRoom8
Your convoluted and confused response does not refute that soon, near the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week AKA the Tribulation, “all Israel will be saved” as depicted in Rev. Chapter. 7 fulfilling Romans 11:26.
I don’t know what the heck you’re talking about but I’m moving on even if you don’t.
posted on
10/30/2023 10:19:48 AM PDT
Jim W N
(MAGA by restoring the Gospel of the Grace of Christ (Jude 3) and our Free Constitutional Republic!)
To: Jim W N
>>near the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week AKA the Tribulation, “all Israel will be saved”<<
Nowhere in Scripture does it say that. All of what is left of Israel will be saved at he conclusion of the Tribulation when Christ appears.
posted on
10/30/2023 10:27:23 AM PDT
For a publication with “American” in its name, the Thinker certainly is very interested in foreign countries.
posted on
10/30/2023 10:31:23 AM PDT
Jim Noble
(They have taken untold millions that they never toiled to earn)
To: EliRoom8
Better read/reread Romans 11:26, Daniel 12:1, Ez. 39:22, and Revelation Chapter 7.
See ya.
posted on
10/30/2023 10:41:56 AM PDT
Jim W N
(MAGA by restoring the Gospel of the Grace of Christ (Jude 3) and our Free Constitutional Republic!)
To: Harpotoo
That’s only “funny” if you don’t understand the Trinity. Three aspects of the one God Jehovah.
posted on
10/30/2023 11:00:58 AM PDT
Albion Wilde
(Either ‘the Deep State destroys America, or we destroy the Deep State.’ --Donald Trump)
To: Zionist Conspirator
posted on
10/30/2023 11:13:50 AM PDT
Albion Wilde
(Either ‘the Deep State destroys America, or we destroy the Deep State.’ --Donald Trump)
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