We’ve had such a law in Jersey for years with signs around reminding drivers - sadly, it never seems to be enforced.....
9 out of 10 times, they are driving a Subaroooo.
Subaru. The new Volvo.
$100 is too light. Should be a capital offense.
I’ve read all the replies. You sure can tell who the guilty are.
Here’s a life tip, and it is simple courtesy:
If someone wants to go faster than you on a four lane, move over to the right lane (as soon as you can) and let them pass. EVEN if you’re overtaking another car, but it will take you several minutes to get around them to do so, then slow a little, get behind the car you intended to overtake (but slowly), let the other driver pass, then get back in the left and do your slow overtake.
For some reason when I pass rolling road blocks I find the need to hit my window wash very liberally and it seems to coat the offenders car. One of these days I am going to fill the rear wiper reserve with baby oil and try that.