Posted on 05/04/2016 6:24:06 PM PDT by MtnClimber
My JRT is watching me eat a snack right now. He is hoping that I drop some of it.
Black Labs wre the WORST for obtaining a good picture with the digital auto all cams of today...
Smart move. I lost some really great mittens that night to a garbage dumpster. Bacon grease is a dog magnet and they are clever ones.
Swallowed a rock. Mom spent two weeks autopsying my poop, til I threw it up [finally]
[Do you like my wood crafting 101 project?] The Dog
JRT’s are the worst beggars of all! Well, they ARE terriers after all is said and done. They won’t let go of ideas or anything and all they see, they own!
My Lab mix dogs were never so intense.
Dogs want food.
How much did this discovery cost some tax payer?
Dogs and rocks. Never understood that one.
One of my dogs ate a red balloon. I didn’t know it until I saw it coming out of the dogs butt.........inflated!
Bones and all?
Lordy,I love dogs.
I lost a cake, a steak, two lamb chops, a woolly hat, a dead seagull left on the beach (that one attracted a huge crowd) to that damned dog.
We lived on an orchard for a couple years. Our lab (I kid you not) would go and pic low hanging fruit from the trees...she grew to 75lbs....we moved and started working lots of hours....but still had the weight. Had to give her to someone who had more time to walk her...they got her down to 50 lbs!
Our full bred lab turned about 30 linear feet of treated pine lattice under my deck railings into toothpicks when she was a near full grown puppy. A good dog, but I wouldn’t own another lab without living in a house in the country. They really need more elbow room than suburbia provides, I believe.
Anything remotely considered edible, left in range is gone.
I’m sorry about your baby. That unconditional love is so precious. Give her a hug from me please. I understand what you are going through. ((Hugs)) It hurts so much.
Aside from food my dog was a hog for attention. I lost control of the leash when he rushed at midnight into a Robert DeNiro movie being filmed near my beachfront condo. Luckily, DeNiro was no where in sight but they did have to stop shooting as he greeted everyone.
I heard the other day that working dogs make the best service animals because they are motivated by food(treats for rewards). This makes them eager to learn and more trainable.
I know a Lab at the lake that comes by sometimes while making his rounds. I don’t feed him, but I threw a stick in the water once, so now I have a friend for life. He really loves to swim. He will just swim laps around the pier just for the heck of it, and never show signs of being tired. I’m sure he would eat us out of house and home if given a chance, but Labs don’t need food to be your friend.
What a nice fun thread this is! Finally, something besides politics.
My Labrador history: black Duke, yellow Daisy, chocolate Nessie, and black Titus have all crossed the Rainbow Bridge to doggie heaven. Yellow Jewel and chocolate Nugget are our two food storage units now. Jewel is 12 and starting to show her age. Nugget just turned one and is helping Jewel to stay a puppy. Poor Jewel...
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