Didn’t this kind thing used to be the back story for slasher flicks?
If this isn’t grounds for removing the poor kid from the SICK PARENTS, I don’t know what is.
Munchhausen by proxy
First of all, I agree that this is a bs, cover story. If it is true or not, the question should be, why/how does a 3 year old, let me repeat that, how does a THREE year old, decide that he is the WRONG sex? What is wrong with being a man? (In this child’s eye.) What did this “mother” do? Someone should ask him WHY he wants to be a girl, the answer will be very telling.
Charlie Sheen will move the mother and son to Cali.. He likes drag queens
How does he know girls don’t have penises? Who told him that? He must have seen or been told it by an adult.
I suspect abuse.
A 3 yo has no clue about his penis much less cutting it off. And mama just happened to go into the bathroom at the exact time and he announced his actions in a manner far beyond his scope of a 3 yo’s world. Did she ask why he wanted to be a girl and what made him think that would make him a girl? The answer, IF this really happened, could have been quite simple.
“”three-year-old son Daniel said he wanted to cut off his penis so he could be a girl.””
Sounds good, mother but do you think people are really that gullible? Show me a three old who would even think of such a thing. I would say apparently MOM thought it would be a good idea to have a girl - must have been disappointed when he wasn’t....
Ok, here I go, putting on my chic asbestos jumpsuit again....
People, this is real. This is a genuine brain dysfunction and three year olds are completely innocent. Anyone saying otherwise is wrong or stupidly stubborn.
Clearly there is something in our environment screwing up our babies in utero. One suggestion is the plastics. BPA has been found in most young women’s uteri before they have even carried any children.
The poor kids clearly feel they are the other gender. They feel as strongly about their identity as you do about yours, and they are so young. There are no good answers for what to do, so it makes logical sense to allow them the peace to live as their brain sees it. It harms no one.
However, what is very harmful is to give lupron to tweens to stop puberty. That is a dangerous drug which stops all hormones and makes the person feel just awful. And they put these trans kids on it for years: before the first sign of puberty until the age when some government says the person can go ahead with genital etc surgery. This is awful and I don’t know how to stop it.
I don’t have a good alternative. Adults should feel free, after suffering for decades, to try out life as the other gender. I approve of that treatment but it’s not very good. Only 50% of people are content. This is a chronic lifelong unhappy state for people born with this brain damage. Just like serious depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, even some forms of OCD, this can be a chronic misery maker for the patient.
I hav total sympathy for these people with this disability. If you are a decent person you should too. It’s not their fault they are like this. Don’t buy into the social lgbt crap, but do have human compassion for what must be a terrible way to try and live. And all of society is telling them they are ok like that, so don’t blame them for that either. We know the truth: they were born with a terrible brain dysfunction just like people born with OCD etc.
Have pity and kindness for them. Especially little children.
Child Abusers.
Something else going on with the parents.
Three year olds don’t think like this.
Looks like the ‘conservative’ Daily Mail deleted all but positive comments.
More and more kids are confused and it might be chemical in food.
I’m a boy! I’m a boy! But my Ma won’t admit it.