Egg on Obama’s face. On his watch. No end of hostility from the apology tour. Weakened America. Jimmy Carter 2.
most people do not have a clue what is going on, including my wife.
if i didn’t tell, she wouldn’t have a clue.
rat’s don’t pay attention, only the marxists/fascists. their mind is already made up.
you just have the idiots that will vote for the dems no matter what.
i married into a family like that. the rats are for the little guy, therefore we will vote for the rats.
they have no idea what is going on in the world. all they know is they have to vote rat.
blessings, bobo
Most people who support obammy could care less what happens in the rest of the world. All they want is government money.
There is only one proper response to the invasion of American sovereign soil and the killing of American citizens. The Administration has failed to make a proper response. It is therefore of no use to Americans.
” - that there is a slow building anger going on within the American public.”
Not fast enough and not deep enough.
Now even the most servile and obsequious Senators anymore fail to notice that the Emperor is totally stark raving mad.
We have had an ambassador assassinated ~ and he doesn't even care ~ ran off to a fundraiser in Las Vegas.
Romeny’s fault, no doubt.
No, I hope not, really. The questioning of the filmmaker is a disgrace to our nation. George Washington must be rolling in his grave.
It doesn’t help 0. People are ANGRY about this. Sitting on their thumbs makes the regime look weak, callous and incompetent
Sadly, I do not think the general public are paying attention, but they will as soon as the gas prices start to spike. That will get their attention and Romney had better be ready to hammer on the WH for this entire fiasco.
Shocked at the visible Keystone Kop handling of the affair when Andrea Mitchell, the NYT and Ed Scultze assured us he could walk on water, make israel and Iran BFF’s, all while shooting 76% from the field..
Obama has failed to deliver what he promised. He was naive to think his past experience was a reason for the Muslim culture to trust him. Obama is in deep trouble and is spinning to do what he does best; blame someone else.
People who don’t ‘watch’ politics like we do, don’t have a clue and don’t much care - I think. The Islamics go into mad riot mode from time to time. Maybe the dour looks on the faces of Obama and Hillary makes them wonder a bit more...?
That's not how they'd see it for W, of course. Everything was his fault.
America is wondering if their collage football teams won today and if their NFL teams will win tomorrow. America is happy Olate Dogs won AGT. America is wondering when Brittany Spears got fat and average looking...
America is going to get what it deserves. As hard as sites like this and other conservative media outlets have tried, there are not enough people concerned enough to stop the insanity. They are taking us all down with them.
Received an email today with President Reagans photo that reads: In 1986 when he was president Libyans killed Americans. He bombed their leaders house. Libya was quiet for 25 years. Then someone apologized.
Debbie Wasserman will say something like “well this all started under the bush administration”...just like Solyndra,Fast&Furious and Pearl Harbour.
The majority of Americans of both political parties refuse we are in a life and death struggle with radical Islam they will destroy us or we will destroy them..taking our ball and going home is not an option.
“I am curious as to what people on FR believe how the general population is viewing what is going on in the MidEast.”
Who’s on Dancing With the Stars this week?
My guess is that this is going to only get worse, and will sink Obama's boat. The more they try to spin it, the worse they will look.
This isn't "just about sex," this is about our lives.
The fifty-one percent who are fixing to re-elect Obama don’t give a crap.