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1 posted on 11/06/2011 4:08:34 PM PST by mupcat
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To: mupcat
Hello mupcat. There's much you didn't include in your post such as, is your husband a diabetic? Has he suffered a back injury? Is he subject to inflammation or stiffness in his lower back?

I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet. Mine started after my first major back surgery in 1993, and has gotten worse with three addtional major back surgeries in 2003, 2005 and 2008.

I don't feel the the bottom's of my feet most of the time. They're often "numb" and feel like I'm walking on a bumpy floor. Other times I can feel some pressure and hot/cold, but most of the time they feel numb "from the inside out."

At times I get muscle spasms down the back of my left leg that can last for minutes, hours or sometimes days.

Sometimes the neuropathy works it's way up my legs from my feet, often making my calves and knees feel "cold" and feeling like I'm getting stung by bees. Those symptoms have lasted from days to weeks before subsiding.

I can tell you that there are many causes of neuropathy and any neurologist (I've been to 5) worth their salt will tell you that the chances of ever finding the direct cause is so remote, that they typically don't even try. Trauma to the spine such as I had, chemical exposure, and sometimes genetics has a role to play. My neuropathy is complicated by having Ankylosing Spondylitis, an inflammation disease which causes the lower spine and SI joints to spontaneously fuse or develop bone spurs. My Neurologist tends to think that my AS has contributed to my neuropathy.

There really only two pieces of advice I can give, having lived with this since 1992.

First, find a competent Neurologist / Neurosurgeon who'll make sure you receive an MRI with Contract, and a CT Scan if needed. They'll want to look for structural damage causing pressure on any nerve roots in your husband's core. He/She may also recommend a Nerve Conduction test to determine the level of Neuropathy. That same neurologist can prescribe any number of medications that will help alleviate your husbands symptoms. Keep in mind, everyone's different so it may take awhile to find what works for your husband. Some of these drugs are pretty strong and alter one's brain chemistry to "turn off" the pain/numbness signals and affect one's ability to think or be clear-headed. I can't possibly urge enough patience in finding the right drug and dose that works while allowing your husband to "feel like himself."

Second, exercise helps. Improving core strength and taking off any excess weight certainly helps take pressure off the root nerves improving their ability to heal (if they are able.) Nerves heal very slowly if they heal at all. In building the core muscles and minimizing midsection weight, we improve the chances for healing, and improve our long term ability to stay self-sufficient. Even though I have neuropathy in both my feet, I was able to recover enough sensation in my right foot to feel feedback from the gas and brake pedals in my truck and drive again.

I've also gotten well enough that I can climb ladders again with some confidence to get on my roof and work on my amateur radio antenna's when needed. It's been a VERY long road back to get to this point. I'll never have "normal" feeling in my feet again, but I can manage with what I have. Improving core strength is what did it for me, and I've had no worsening of my symptoms since working on my core strength. If anything, they've improved.

Best of luck to you and your husband, please do drop me a freepmail if you have any questions. I'm obviously not a doctor but I've had to deal with this since 1992 and have learned the questions to ask and the answers to look for.

75 posted on 11/06/2011 5:57:52 PM PST by usconservative (When The Ballot Box No Longer Counts, The Ammunition Box Does. (What's In Your Ammo Box?))
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To: mupcat
I will keep up with this thread. My husband suffers with leg problems. He has trouble walking and has fluid in his legs and feet. He is diabetic and had a double bypass 4 years ago. No tick bites so far as we know.

He has been to at least 4 doctors trying to figure out why he has so much trouble walking and pain that comes and goes in his feet and legs. Not one of the doctors has called it neuropathy but that is what I diagnosed from WebMd. None of the doctors have called it anything, they just send him on to another doctor. Very disappointing.

80 posted on 11/06/2011 6:04:05 PM PST by Ditter
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To: mupcat

I am so sorry.

I know that for a Charley Horse, a bar of soap under the sheets helps. Don’t know why but a pharmacist told my friend’s dad to do it.

Also, before bedtime, have him vigorously wiggle his toes for several minutes. See if that does it.

But definitely try the bar of soap.

83 posted on 11/06/2011 6:06:59 PM PST by Cowgirl of Justice
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To: mupcat

I’ve got painful nerve damage in both arms, particularly my hands and elbow joints. A B-Complex supplement every day helps keep it to a tolerable level.

Prayers up for you and yours.

84 posted on 11/06/2011 6:07:17 PM PST by Grizzled Bear (No More RINOs!!!)
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To: mupcat

My late father had problems with idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, meaning that the cause was unknown as opposed to, say, diabetic peripheral neuropathy. It affected his feet, primarily.

Evening Primrose Oil, pharmaceutical grade, was helpful to him. Laser treatment applied to the soles of his feet was successful, but as we were cautioned, many discontinue treatment because pain is the first sensation to return, and it lasts several months before the onset of more normal sensation. He elected to just live with the numbness rather than endure the months of pain and discomfort.

88 posted on 11/06/2011 6:16:49 PM PST by RegulatorCountry
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To: mupcat

A family member thought this nerve cream was effective.
Good luck, mupcat.

92 posted on 11/06/2011 6:23:10 PM PST by Mountain Mary (I'll take a Godfather's pizza with the works!)
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To: mupcat

If this is a peripheral neuropathy I agree that it would be best to consult a neurologist. Sometimes this type of neuropathy results from an auto-immune disorder. This is when the body’s immune system, for whatever reason, turns upon itself and attacks nerve tissues in the body. The illness is named Guillain-Barre Syndrome or GBS. This condition can strike anyone at any age. It is a very rare illness and can lead to total temporary paralysis within a period of 24-48 hours. Recovery varies from a total recovery to partial recovery. There is also another variation of this illness which is called CIDP. This stands for Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy.

Please look at the website for the GBS/CIDP Foundation for more information on this rare and quite obscure illness:

Diagnosis is confirmed by drawing fluid from the spinal column. If the protein level in the fluid is abnormally high then GBS is confirmed. Nerve conduction studies called EMG will also help to confirm a diagnosis.

The reason I know so much about this illness is that my son came down with GBS/CIDP in 1986 at the age of 6 years old. He was left with permanent nerve damage in his hands and feet. Quite a blow for a little kid who loved to play T-ball. My wife and I know more about this illness than the average medical doctor.

I hope and pray that your husband does not have these illnesses but I would encourage you to see a COMPETENT neurologist. This illness is no laughing matter and can be a life changer, even to the point of being a life taker.

Best wishes .... TG

PS. There are several well known celebrities with this illness. Actor Andy Griffith, Sportscaster and former NY Knicks player Bud Palmer. Author Joseph Heller (Catch-22) had this illness that ultimately led to his death. Check out his book “No Laughing Matter”.

95 posted on 11/06/2011 6:28:50 PM PST by Tommygun99 (Liberalism is a mental disorder.)
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To: mupcat

Nothing more needs to be said. The flim in the link is winner of five film festival awards. Scary.

It’s lyme disease. Get help.

Almost lost my wife with Lyme. Went from vital, go-getter to a basket case within 6-months. Johns Hopkins figured it out, thank God.

She’s back with us now, thank the Lord.

Best of luck to you.

97 posted on 11/06/2011 6:32:38 PM PST by Catfish2
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To: mupcat

My mother had it. The doctors she was seeing just threw drug after drug at her. It took a trip to Mayo Clinic in Minneapolis to get her treated properly. As far as I know, she’s either in remission or the meds she did end up with are doing the job.

99 posted on 11/06/2011 6:33:05 PM PST by don-o (He will not share His glory and He will NOT be mocked! Blessed be the name of the Lord forever.)
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To: mupcat

We will keep your family in our prayers

104 posted on 11/06/2011 6:46:19 PM PST by lilyramone (The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary)
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To: mupcat

My sister had it. She died last summer from stomach cancer. The Neuropathy was so bad she could not stand to be touched. I think it must be very painful. Prayers for your husband.

119 posted on 11/06/2011 8:03:52 PM PST by WVNan (!)
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