The “Trump is Hitler” thing - the leftists have been trying to convince others that Trump really IS Hitler, a threat to the nation, etc. Their intent might be to get people to give them money or vote for Democrats, but the effect is that some idiot, convinced that Trump IS a danger, will try to kill him. Regardless of your intent, you are still responsible for the consequences.
Back in the day, if I heard Hitler was a threat, and majority evidence supported it, I might go after Hitler.
And If I got him I might be a hero who ‘saved the world’.
But I will still have to answer to God.
Same for today. A person killing a politician, say, is responsibile for murder.
Those who incited him should be called out, and suffer from their peers/society.
But this requires the rule of law, which has disappeared.
And the murderer and the inciter still have to answer to God.