Here are the biggest turd-nuggets currently fouling our party:
Mittens Romney - just a despicable human being
Ronna "Blumpkin" Romney McDaniel Mitch McConnell - his nickname should be Wormtongue
Mike Johnson - a non-entity, cheese-eating surrender monkey catapulted to leadership because he knows how to surrender while mouthing platitudes
Lindsey Graham - bloody-minded, vicious poofter
The Cheneys - Sick Dick and his spawn The Lizard
G.W. Bush - the useless crypto globalist
Paul “Tiny Tot” Ryan - this midget live off betrayal
Kevin McCarthy - he is gone but he is still stinking up the place
The deal was - go along with us invading Iraq so we can fix the middle east and the rest of you guys can have whatever you want [not within reason, not just anything but everything]. Talk about a lose lose lose deal. The winners were socialists and corrupt friends of Dick Cheney. It launched the grandest real estate boom in the world, along the Washington DC Beltway to make space for the corruptocrats advising the corruptocracy on how to get more loot out of the taxpayer. Virtually every county in the US was looted to funnel money into the "home counties" encircling DC.
$34 Trillion in federal debt didnt' disappear into thin air. It's right here in the offices and mansions in the National Capitol Region where no hghly paid person does a single thing to provide a product or service that a wage earner in the rest of the country would willingly part with his own cash to pay for.