Maryland is still pushing these vaccines.
There are still radio ads on several Boston radio stations.
The CVS down the street has “get your booster” on the big lighted sign out front.
Saturday night I was going into a restaurant and a older guy and his wife were coming out wearing masks. I heard the guy coughing as he walked away. My son said maybe they were sick.
It was not too long ago I saw someone driving in their car with a mask on. So, there are still some Sheeple out in the herd.
However, every big Pharma corp has a branch in the Boston area. Mostly right in Cambridge. Home of Harvard and MIT. BU, BC, Northeastern, Tufts are right across the Charles river.
There is a lot of medical/pharma research at all of those universities in conjunction with MA General.
So, the Commonwealth of MA will probably not jump onto this law suit. New Jersey is where most Pharma corporations are headquartered. Right across from NYC.
Puerto Rico is where almost all the Fill Finish Plants are located for most of the drugs actually made in the USA. That is because there is some tax incentive to do the final drug making in PR.
So, Big Pharma has more pull with politicians in certain states than other states like KS, AL, WY, ID, ND, SD, TX.