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STOP PRETENDING THAT JORDAN IS NOT PALESTINE. The "Two-State-Solution" was already implemented when Jordan was created with land from British Mandate Palestine following the same model as the India-Pakistan partition
Conservative Papers ^ | 11/2/2023 | EZEQUIEL DOINY

Posted on 11/02/2023 1:03:46 AM PDT by Ezequiel Doiny

STOP PRETENDING THAT JORDAN IS NOT PALESTINE. The "Two-State-Solution" was already implemented when Jordan was created with land from British Mandate Palestine following the same model as the India-Pakistan partition. The Oslo model for the "Two-State-Solution" is dead. If Jews are ethnically cleansed from Judea and Samaria and a new Palestinian Arab State is formed there Hamas will take over and atack Israel from there as it does from Gaza. The Palestinians already have a State in Jordan where they are the majority of the population

by Ezequiel Doiny

On October 11, 2023 Arutz 7 reported "At least 1,200 killed, Hamas claims over 100 in captivity"

On November 1, 2023 Arutz 7 reported "A spokesman for the Hamas government in Gaza has promised that the terror organization will repeat the October 7 massacre until Israel ceases to exist. In a video published on X, formerly Twitter, Hamas' Ghazi Hamad says, "We will repeat the October 7 attack time and again until Israel is annihilated."

On October 31, 2023 Bassam Tawil wrote in the Gatestone Institute "There is absolutely no difference between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas when it comes to spreading hate against Israel and inciting the murder of Jews.

"...This month alone, the Palestinian Authority will pay the families of the Hamas terrorists who were killed this month at least 11.1 million shekels ($2.7 million) "Pay-for-Slay" reward for perpetrating the atrocities against Israeli civilians.

"...[I]t is not enough to condemn Hamas for the atrocities. The Biden administration and the international community must understand that the hands of Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority also drip with the Hamas victims' blood..."

If Jews are ethnically cleansed from Judea and Samaria and a Palestinian State is formed there Hamas will take over and atack Israel from there as it does from Gaza.

Watch this video by theisraelguys "The SECRET Takeover of the WEST BANK (Episode 2) Shocking footage". The video describes how Fayad's 2009 "creeping anexation" of Area C plan is being implemented today with EU's funding. There are now 80,000 new Arab buildings in Area C.

Whatch theisraelguys video below:

The Palestinians are not only building 'facts on the ground', they are also building an army by smugling weapons. MEMRI reported " Iranian IRGC Commander Hossein Salami: 'Invisible Hands Armed The West Bank – And You [Now] See Modern Automatic Rifles And Automatic Weapons In The Hands Of The Palestinians'... In an April 18, 2023 speech for Iran's Military Day, Hossein Salami, commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), said that "invisible hands" – hinting at the Iranian regime – are arming Palestinian organizations with automatic weapons against Israel. Salami's statements came several days after rockets were fired into Israel from Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza and Israeli civilians were killed in shooting attacks during the Passover holiday... It should be noted that Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has been issuing instructions to arm the West Bank since July 2014..."

On October 25, 2023 the Wall Street Journal reported "Iran and its allies have accelerated efforts to smuggle weapons into the West Bank. A senior Jordanian security official said networks of smugglers, assisted by the Syrian government and Iranian-backed militias like Hizbullah, were growing.

"The weapons flow has really increased, specifically over the past year. This is because Iran has been much more focused on the West Bank recently, and trying to arm some of the groups there, especially the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which is Iran's more direct partner," said Michael Horowitz, Israel-based head of intelligence at Le Beck International, a risk consulting firm.

"Through a network of loyal militias, Tehran has established a land corridor across Iraq and Syria into Lebanon and, via Jordan, into the West Bank, allowing it to transport troops, equipment and weapons to its allies. Weapons smuggled into Jordan include Iranian replicas of U.S.-made Claymore antipersonnel mines, M4-style assault rifles, TNT and other explosives, and handguns, according to the senior Jordanian official..."

Who will prevent Palestinians from smugling more weapons into Judea and Samaria if Israel withdraws?

Without settlements there would be no "two-State solution" because Israel would become vulneralable to Hamas missiles and would be destroyed. Without settlements there would be no Jewish State, no "two-State solution". The Palestinian Arabs already have a Stete in Jordan, the Palestinian Arab State built with land from British Mandate Palestine.

If Israel withdraws from Judea and Samaria who guarantees Judea and Samaria will not become a new Gaza?

Hamas is planning to take over the West Bank. Hamas repeatedly declared they will use Judea and Samaria to attack Israel as they do from Gaza. Surrendering Judea and Samaria will be suicidal for Israel. Hamas will attack Israel from Judea and Samaria as they do from Gaza making normal life in Israel impossible.

On September 21, 2022 JNS reported "According to Col. (res.) Grisha Yakubovich, an expert on Israeli-Palestinian relations and a senior fellow at the MirYam Institute, the mounting attacks are part of a larger trend of the growing dominance of Hamas rhetoric in Judea and Samaria and an ongoing battle for Palestinian hearts and minds based on the message that violence achieves results and that negotiations and diplomacy do not..." [ raises the possibility that perhaps there are] “...preparations by Hamas to attempt a repeat of their 2007 takeover of Gaza – this time in Judea and Samaria,” Yakubovich cautioned..."

According to pools Hamas is the most likely successor of Abbas (who is 87). On June 29, 2022 World Israel News reported "A new poll of Palestinians in the Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip released on Tuesday shows that the Islamist organization Hamas has edged ahead of Fatah, the PLO’s main nationalist faction, in terms of public support, though backing for both groups is in decline. The survey conducted by the Ramallah-based Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) revealed that 33 percent of Palestinians believe that Hamas should be leading the Palestinian struggle, with only 23 percent opting for Fatah under its current leader, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who has clung to his post since 2005."

Hamas is the most likely successor of Abbas, once Hamas takes power in the West Bank it will attack Israel from the West Bank as it does from Gaza. The Palestinian Media Watch translated an interview by one of Hamas founders Mahmoud al-Zahar to the Palestinian newspaper Al-Ayyam in which he said “transfer what it has [in Gaza] or just a small part of it to the West Bank, we would be able to settle the battle of the 'final promise [to destroy Israel] with a speed that no one can imagine...[Some] have said Hamas wants to create an Islamic emirate in Gaza. We won’t do that, but we will build an Islamic state in Palestine, all of Palestine...”

The creation of a Palestinian State in Judea and Samaria will endanger Israel's defensible borders. Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser explained in the JCPA "Israel has a very narrow width and a small population compared with that of its current and potential adversaries. It lacks strategic depth and its armed forces have to rely on reservists to be able to perform its mission, especially in time of war. Its most densely populated areas are very close to territories populated by people who have been exposed to ongoing hate indoctrination against it. The topography along the center of the country includes a mountain ridge that overlooks and dominates the coastal plain in the west and the very deep Jordan Valley in the east. The regimes and countries around Israel suffer from inherent instability and some of them are failed states. Some of Israel’s enemies are determined to wipe it off the map. Moreover, some of these enemies, especially Iran, have vast resources and are able to acquire advanced weaponry either through arms purchases from leading arms producers or through local production. All of these components have to be taken into account while drawing Israel’s defensible borders.

"It is true, of course, that Israel has impressive military capabilities, but if they are not deployed in the right locations, their effectiveness may be significantly compromised. For example, Israel’s military deployment has to enable it to thwart attempts to bring in weapons (including rockets and drones) and trained terrorists or foreign military forces to the Palestinian-controlled areas of the West Bank from across the Jordan River.

"This mission cannot be accomplished without Israel being able to deploy its forces in areas close to the river and on the eastern slopes of the mountain ridge dominating the Jordan River valley for purposes of observation and intelligence gathering that are necessary for permanent early warning and to thwart such attempts before they cause any damage. This will allow Israel to distance its population centers and critical infrastructure from these possible threats. In addition to “boots on the ground,” Israel will require full control over the airspace above the entire territory of the West Bank as well as control of the electromagnetic spectrum to guarantee that it is able to deal effectively with any threat.

"This does not mean that this deployment can hermetically prevent any infiltration of the border, but it should guarantee that any attempt to cross into the territory from the east, even if it is part of multi-front hostile activities, is met by sufficient power in time to prevent any considerable damage to the security of Israel and its population, even if the early warning is not perfect. Moreover, Israeli military presence has a strategically important effect on deterrence and stabilization beyond the eastern border.

"There have been various suggestions and creative ideas raised to establish a border along the 1967 lines with some local changes and to replace Israel’s military presence in some of the critical areas with foreign forces or to rely on electronic detection devices alone. However, this cannot provide Israel with adequate defense. Israeli forces have to be present on the ground to take immediate action against imminent threats. Israel cannot rely on foreign forces, and detection devices can at best give some early warning or signal in real time that the border has been penetrated, but these devices cannot do much about it. The idea that Israeli intelligence collection assets will be deployed in strategically important locations but access to these locations will be through Palestinian-controlled areas, is simply not feasible.

"The same is true when it comes to preventing terror and other military threats from within the territory controlled by the Palestinians. If Israel deploys it As forces more or less along the ’67 lines, it is not going to be able to protect its main cities and infrastructure and collect the information necessary for that purpose. Moreover, it is not going to be able to prevent significant deliveries of arms to the Palestinian-controlled territories or the local production of various weapons inside these territories.

"The argument that Israel’s armed forces are much stronger than the Palestinians and therefore it can afford to move to less defensible borders in the context of a peace agreement – and if this agreement is violated by the Palestinians Israel can recapture the territory – is baseless too. First of all, under such conditions, the Palestinians will be able to accumulate a considerable number of arms and military capabilities before they trigger hostilities, and once they do, recapturing the territory is going to be very costly in terms of casualties, not only to Israeli troops but also to the Israeli civilian population and critical infrastructure. Fighting a hybrid force that has both terror and conventional (and perhaps unconventional) capabilities that is fighting behind human shields is a huge challenge for every modern army. As long as many Palestinians continue to support the plan of fighting Israel in phases over time and regard the complete defeat of Zionism as their ultimate goal, any such moves that enable this are extremely irresponsible. The case of Gaza is an illuminating precedent, as are Afghanistan, Vietnam, Lebanon, Sinai, Somalia, and other arenas.

"To sum up, the only border that may be regarded as defensible for the central region of the State of Israel is the Jordan Valley, with Israel maintaining military control of the eastern slopes of Judea and Samaria mountain ridge and of the main roads leading from west to east to enable free movement of Israel’s armed forces to the border area. This should go along with Israeli control of the airspace and the electromagnetic spectrum. The Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1967, General Earle Wheeler, clarified that to have defensible borders, Israel’s boundary must be along the commanding terrain overlooking the Jordan Valley."

If a Palestinian State is formed in Judea and Samaria, Jordan will not be able to prevent weapon smuggling. Most of the Jordanian population and political leaders will be sympathetic with the Palestinian government. If the Hashemite King tries to prevent weapon smuggling into the West Bank, the Jordanian population and the Jordanian Parliament will revolt against the King.

Contrary to Egypt, the Jordanian Government does not have the popular or political support to oppose Hamas. The Hashemite Kingdom will not have the political or popular support to prevent weapon smuggling into the West Bank if a Palestinian State is formed there.

If a Palestinian State is created it will be ruled by Hamas. Who would prevent Hamas from smuggling weapons (perhaps even a nuclear dirty bomb) into Judea and Samaria if Israel withdraws?

Hamas repeatedly and openly declared the future Palestinian State will not be "peaceful". Hamas promissed to use any land in Judea and Samaria to attack Israel as they do from Gaza to create a Palestinian State "from the river to the sea".

Expelling Jews from Judea and Samaria and creating a Palestinian Arab State there is against the "two-State solution" because it would cause the destruction of Israel. The Palestinian Arabs already have a State in Jordan.

The Jewish-Arab partition was already implemented when Jordan was created out of British Mandate Palestine. This happened at the same time (and was done by the same British Empire) than the India-Pakistan partition. The Palestinians already have a State in Jordan

The British planned the India-Pakistan Partition in 1947 to solve the Hindu-Muslim conflict, and also at about the same time planned the partition of British Mandate Palestine into an Arab Kingdom (Jordan) next to a Jewish State.

The concept of creating "two states for two peoples" was seen as the best solution by the British rulers in the 1940s. The British planned the India-Pakistan Partition in 1947 and the creation of Jordan as an Arab Kingdom next to Israel about the same time. describes the history of the India-Pakistan partition of 1947.

"Mohammad Ali Jinnah, a Western-educated Muslim lawyer, persuaded the participants at the annual Muslim League session in Lahore in 1940 to adopt what later came to be known as the Pakistan Resolution, demanding the division of India into two separate sovereign states, one Muslim, the other Hindu.. On June 3, 1947, Mountbatten, the viceroy (1947) and governor-general (1947-48), announced plans for partition of the British Indian Empire into the nations of India and Pakistan, which itself was divided into east and west wings on either side of India. The June 3, 1947 Partition Plan was prepared by Mountbatten in consultation with the British Government. It was based on a fundamental principle that transfer of power should take place according to the wishes of the people."

"The principle of partition was specified in the plan : The all Muslim majority areas were to constitute part of Pakistan and similarly the Hindu majority areas were to go to India...(2)” “…What followed was "ethnic cleansing" - a term that was to gain currency later in the 20th century...Partition unleashed untold misery and loss of lives and property as millions of Hindu and Muslim refugees fled either Pakistan or India…Partition resulted in the forced movement of 20 million people (Hindus and Sikhs to India and Muslims to Pakistan). Most estimates of the numbers of people who crossed the boundaries between India and Pakistan in 1947 range between 10 and 12 million."

The same British who planned the India-Pakistan Partition in 1947 to solve the Hindu-Muslim conflict, also planned the partition of British Mandate Palestine into an Arab Kingdom (Jordan) next to a Jewish State. If Pakistan absorbed MILLIONS of Muslims from India, Jordan must absorb Palestinian refugees.

Why Muslims who escaped India during the Pakistan-India partition are not considered "refugees" today but Arabs who escaped Israel are?

The India-Pakistan partition was created with the idea of "Two States for two peoples" and it was understood Pakistan was supposed to absorb Muslim refugees from India, (at the SAME TIME) the British DELIBERATLY AND MALICIOUSLY SET ISRAEL FOR FAILURE when they separated Jordan from British Mandate Palestine without making it clear it was in the context of a "Two States for two peoples" framework under which JORDAN WAS EXPECTED TO ABSORB ARAB REFUGEES.

Before World War I Palestine was a part of the province of Southern Syria in the Ottoman Empire. In 1916, before WWI ended, the British and the French signed the secret Sikes-Pikot agreement defining their proposed spheres of influence in the Middle East if they won the war. According to the agreement France was allocated to Northern Iraq, Syria and Lebanon while the British would rule over Palestine and southern Iraq.

In 1920, following the provision of the Mandate to France and Britain at San Remo, the UK took control of British Mandate Palestine (Mandatory Palestine) in what is today Israel and Jordan, land captured from the Ottoman Empire.

The McMahon-Hussein correspondence reveals details of a secret deal between Sir Henry McMahon, High Commissioner of the UK in Egypt, and the Sharif of Mecca, Hussain Bin Ali, by which the British would give control of lands captured from the Ottoman Empire to the Sharif of Mecca's family if the Arabs assisted the British in fighting the Turks during WWI.

In 1921 the UK created the Emirate of Transjordan (Jordan) in the land of Mandatory Palestine East from the Jordan river and appointed Abdullah, son of the Shariff of Mecca, as King of Jordan. (Britain also appointed Abdullah's brother Faisal as King of Iraq). Jordan was officially under British Mandate Palestine and obtained independence in 1946.

In 1948 when the British Mandate of Palestine finished and the Jewish State of Israel was created, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt (all puppet Kingdoms from the UK) attacked the newborn Jewish State.

Until 1948 Jews were a majority of the population in Jerusalem. On December 11, 2017 Amb. Dore Gold wrote in the Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs "By the mid-19th century, the British Consulate in Jerusalem made the following determination, according to this report, which I found in the Public Record Office in Kew, it states that Jews were a majority in Jerusalem, when? already in 1863 – that’s long before Theodor Herzl, before the Britt’s arrived, or Lord Balfour."

"See the guy on the right, William Seward, he was Secretary of State of the United States during the American civil war, under President Abraham Lincoln.

"When Seward’s term ended, he visited the holy land, he visited Jerusalem. And he wrote a memoir. And in his memoir, it is written, 'There is a Jewish majority in Jerusalem.'" See William Seward, Travels Around the World (1873)

In 1948 British General Glubb Pasha lead the Jordanian Arab Legion commanded mostly by British Officers* to expel all the Jews from Hebron, East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Not only they did ethnic cleansing but they destroyed dozens of ancient synagogues and 60,000 Ancient Jewish Tombstones in the Sacred Ancient Jewish Cemetery of Mount of Olives to try to erase all evidence of Jewish History in the West Bank. In 1956, after his service in Jordan, the criminal General Glubb, responsible for ethnic cleansing of Jews, was knighted by the Queen. General Glubb was appointed Knight Commander of The Order of Bath by Queen Elizabeth.

The Jewish Virtual Library describes how the Jordanian Arab Legion led by British general Glubb and staffed mostly by British officers ethnically cleansed Jews from Jerusalem. “Before the United Nations voted in favor of the Patition Plan on November 29, 1947, the Arab Legion of Jordan attacked Jerusalem.

Their forces blocked Jerusalem’s roads and cut off the city’s access to water.

After bitter fighting, the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City fell to the vastly superior arms and numbers of the Arab Legion. The surviving Jewish inhabitants fled to the “New City,” the four-fifths of the capital that Israel successfully held.

The Old City, including the Jewish Quarter, officially fell to Jordan on May 27, 1948.

Nearly twenty years later, during the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel’s army liberated Jerusalem’s Old City, finding the area completely neglected and virtually destroyed.

… All but one of the thirty five synagogues within the Old City were destroyed; those note completely devastated had been used as hen houses and stables filled with dung-heaps, garbage and carcasses.

The revered Jewish graveyard on the Mount of Olives was in complete disarray with tens of thousands of tombstones broken into pieces to be used as building materials and large areas of the cemetery leveled to provide a short-cut to a new hotel.

Hundreds of Torah scrolls and thousands of holy books had been plundered and burned to ashes…”

The Jordanian Arab Legion which led the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Eastern Jerusalem was led by British General Glubb, most of the officers of the Jordanian Arab Legion were British.

Below is a list of British officers that commanded the Jordanian Arab Legion:

*(Divisional Headquarters (under Brigadier Lash), Artillery Batteries/troops (under Lt-Col Hearst),1st Brigade (under Col. Goldie), 1st Regiment (under Lt-Col. Blackden), 3rd Regiment (under Lt-Col Newman), 3rd Brigade (under Col. Ashton), 2nd Regiment (under Maj. Slade) (Details from Laffin (1982a), Lunt (1999), Collins & Lapierre (1972).

The Palestinian National Charter of 1964 defined Palestine as the pre-1967 territory of the State of Israel – specifically excluding the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem, claiming they belonged to Jordan. When the area was part of Jordan, the Palestinians affirmed they did not want that land. In 1967, Israel ended the Jordanian occupation of Judea and Samaria (that had started in 1948). In 1968 the Palestinians changed their charter to claim Judea and Samaria (besides, of course, the rest of Israel).

“Palestine and Jordan are one…” said King Abdullah in 1948.

“The truth is that Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan,”said King Hussein of Jordan, in 1981.

Jordan was created with land from British Mandate Palestine, 78% of the Jordanian population is Palestinian.

The Queen of Jordan is Palestinian, Jordan's next King will be the son of a Palestinian.

Declaring that Jordan is Palestine seems to be supported by Saudi Arabia with fears the State of Palestine will be controled by Hamas. On June 30, 2022 David Singer wrote in Arutz 7 "Saudi Arabia has sent US President Joe Biden and the United Nations (UN) a clear message to abandon the idea of creating a new Arab State between Israel and Jordan in an article published in Al-Arabiya News on 8 June headlined: The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine...MBS has not sought to publically distance himself from Shihabi’s article. Shihabi lays the groundwork for his proposal: “The Palestinian problem can only be solved today if it is redefined. The issue in this day and age for people should be not so much the ownership of ancestral land but more the critical need to have a legal identity—a globally respected citizenship that allows a person to operate in the modern world. Labor in this day and age is mobile and having citizenship in a country that facilitates such mobility is critical to human development. The most logical vehicle for this redefinition and hence for the solution to the Palestine problem is the kingdom of Jordan. Over the last seventy-five years, Jordan has developed into a relatively well-governed state, although the impact of regional political turmoil has caused it to fail economically and become heavily reliant on foreign aid for its survival. It is this Jordanian governance infrastructure that needs to be captured and put to productive use in integrating the millions of Palestinians and Jordanians into a modern, reasonably well-functioning state that would, in an era of real peace and economic integration with Jordan’s neighbors, have a much higher chance of growth and prosperity. "This proposed enlarged kingdom would include present-day Jordan, Gaza, and the 'West Bank' (areas populated by Palestinians attached in a contiguous manner and physically connected to Jordan, i.e., not broken up into islands).” Shihabi dismisses Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Jordan claims to be separate entities: “Jordanians and Palestinians are as similar as any people can be. They are Sunni Arabs from the same neighbourhood. Merging them will not create any long-term ethnic or sectarian fault lines.”

Jordan was a British invention and continued to be a puppet Kingdom of Britain after the British carved it out of British Mandate Palestine in 1946.

On April 12, 2018 David Israel wrote in the Jewish Press " Addressing the ninth annual Islamic Beit al-Maqdes (the term is borrowed directly from the Hebrew Beit HaMikdash – the Temple) International Conference, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said “Palestinians and Jordanians are one people in two states – Jordan and Palestine..."

Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria do not "challange the viability of the two-State solution" but actually protect the two-State solution because without Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria weapons would be smuggled, Hamas would attack Israel from there as it does from Gaza, Israel would be destroyed and there would be no Jewish State next to Jordan, the Palestinian Arab State built with land from British Mandate Palestine.

Who will prevent Palestinians from smugling more weapons into Judea and Samaria if Israel withdraws? Jews have been persecuted and expelled from most Middle East Countries and they managed to find refuge in Israel, a country smaller than New Jersey. reported that since 1948, 850,000 Jews have been expelled from Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lybia, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia,Yemen and other Middle East Countries.

There are 57 Islamic States (see members of Organization for Islamic Cooperation) but only one Jewish State smaller than New Jersey.

Why can’t Jews have a safe haven where they are free from Islamic persecution?

The same way that in Iraq the Yazidi deserve a small area as a safe heaven where they can live in security, the same way that in Egypt the Copts deserve a small area where they can live in security, Jews deserve a safe heaven where they can live safely from Islamic aggression.

After what happened in Gaza where after the Israeli withdrawal, the Arabs used the land to attack Israel, the creation of a Palestinian State Judea and Samaria became unfeasible because it will endanger Israel.

If a Palestinian State is created in Judea and Samaria, Hamas will take over and attack Israel from there as it does from Gaza.

The Palestinian Media Watch translated an interview by one of Hamas founders Mahmoud al-Zahar to the Palestinian newspaper Al-Ayyam in which he said “transfer what it has [in Gaza] or just a small part of it to the West Bank, we would be able to settle the battle of the final promise [to destroy Israel] with a speed that no one can imagine…[Some] have said Hamas wants to create an Islamic emirate in Gaza. We won’t do that, but we will build an Islamic state in Palestine, all of Palestine…”

The Oslo model for the "Two-State-Solution" is dead.

After the last attack from Gaza, the two-state solution is no longer feasible. The two state solution is actually a one state solution because it will enable Hamas to attack Israel from the Judea and Samaria making normal life in Israel impossible.

The only place a Palestinian State can be created is in Jordan where the Palestinians already are the majority of the population.


The "Two-State-Solution" was already implemented when Jordan was created with land from British Mandate Palestine following the same model as the India-Pakistan partition.

Ezequiel Doiny is author of “Obama’s assault on Jerusalem’s Western Wall” and “Jerusalem is the Spiritual capital of Judaism while Mecca is the Spiritual Capital of Islam”

KEYWORDS: israel; jordan; lox; mandate; palestine; precedent; transjordan; twostatesolution
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1 posted on 11/02/2023 1:03:46 AM PDT by Ezequiel Doiny
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To: Ezequiel Doiny

Plus, on a map Jordan has the shape of an Arab riding a camel at a fast pace.

So there’s that, too!

2 posted on 11/02/2023 1:40:43 AM PDT by one guy in new jersey
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To: Ezequiel Doiny

But India still has the world’s third largest Muslim population (at 200 million not far #1 Indonesia’s 231 million), with a higher percentage of Muslims (14%) than the US’s African-American population.

3 posted on 11/02/2023 1:48:01 AM PDT by 9YearLurker
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To: Ezequiel Doiny

As a matter of fact, a big part of ancient Israel was in what’s now Jordan.
Two of twelve ancient tribes of Israel were given land in Transjordan. Baptism of Jesus actually happen on the Jordan’s shore of the Jordan river.

River of Jordan is not a huge river, it is more a big creek. It can be easily forded and it does not provide any major natural obstacle. In history, the two sides of the river were more-less united.

4 posted on 11/02/2023 2:07:47 AM PDT by AZJeep
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To: Ezequiel Doiny


During World War I, Transjordan saw much of the fighting of the Arab Revolt against Ottoman rule. Assisted by the British army officer T. E. Lawrence, the Sharif of Mecca Hussein bin Ali led the successful revolt which contributed to the Ottoman defeat and breaking up of its empire. Ottoman forces were forced to withdraw from Aqaba in 1917 after the Battle of Aqaba. In 1918 the British Foreign Office noted the Arab position East of the Jordan, Biger wrote: “At the beginning of 1918, soon after the southern part of Palestine was conquered, the Foreign Office determined that Faisal’s authority over the area that he controls on the Eastern side of the Jordan river should be recognized. We can confirm this recognition of ours even if our forces do not currently control major parts of Transjordan.’”

The Arabs liberated the area of Jordan from the Turks and they insisted on running it.

5 posted on 11/02/2023 2:20:30 AM PDT by Brian Griffin
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To: Ezequiel Doiny


After the withdrawal of British forces from Palestine at the end of 14 May 1948, Arab states entered the areas of Mandatory Palestine earmarked by the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 of 29 November 1947 for an independent Arab state, meant to be established alongside a Jewish state. These forces were under the command of King Abdullah I of Jordan. The Jordanian Arab Legion successfully took control of the Old City of Jerusalem and also covering a significant portion of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, including cities such as Jericho, Bethlehem, Hebron, Nablus, Ramallah, and others. Following the end of hostilities, the area that remained under Jordanian control became known as the West Bank.

During the December 1948 Jericho Conference, hundreds of Palestinian notables in the West Bank gathered, accepted Jordanian rule and recognized Abdullah as ruler. The West Bank was formally annexed on 24 April 1950, but the annexation was widely considered as illegal and void by most of the international community. A month afterwards, the Arab League, having received assurances from Jordan, resolved to treat the annexed area as being held in trust until the Palestine question was resolved. Recognition of Jordan’s declaration of annexation was granted by the United Kingdom, the United States, Iraq, and possibly Pakistan, and no objections were raised when Jordan was admitted to the United Nations in 1955.

When Jordan transferred its full citizenship rights to the residents of the West Bank, the annexation more than tripled the population of Jordan, going from 400,000 to 1,300,000. The naturalized Palestinians enjoyed equal opportunities in all sectors of the state without discrimination, and they were given half of the seats of the Jordanian parliament. After Jordan lost the West Bank to Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War, the Palestinians there remained Jordanian citizens until Jordan renounced claims to and severed administrative ties with the territory in 1988.

King Abdullah I of Jordan did a land grab of the West Bank after the British left Palestine.

6 posted on 11/02/2023 2:24:02 AM PDT by Brian Griffin
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To: Ezequiel Doiny

when Jordan was created with land from British Mandate Palestine following the same model as the India-Pakistan partition.

I am surprised when so many people who I thought were educated have no clue about that.
However I have not heard that Jordan has opened their arms to their long lost cousins...

7 posted on 11/02/2023 2:24:54 AM PDT by Adder (End fascism...defeat all Democrats.)
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To: Ezequiel Doiny

Finally someone speaking about this. Some interesting facts about Jordan, it was composed of territories and tribes who all had some relation to ancient Israel and/or Abraham. Today it is something like 35% Christian. ‘Palestine’ was a territory, not a country and not a governing body. The writer is correct about the British Mandate. They partitioned it to MAKE the two state solution. Now ‘palestinians’ want both parts.

8 posted on 11/02/2023 2:42:39 AM PDT by Ragnar Danneskjöld
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To: Ezequiel Doiny

If there was no Six-Day War Gaza would be ruled by Egypt and the West Bank by Jordan.

Palestinian Arabs would be governed by Egypt, Jordan or Israel and all would have decent to good government.

The only grievances Palestinian Arabs would have would be confined to land and housing abandoned in the 1948 conflict.

A “Two-State Solution” assumes there would be decent Palestinian Arab government. There is no evidence that is likely given the long history of thuggish/corrupt Palestinian Arab governance.

9 posted on 11/02/2023 2:46:11 AM PDT by Brian Griffin
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To: Adder

“when Jordan was created with land from British Mandate Palestine following the same model as the India-Pakistan partition.”

Transjordan was never really under British rule.

The Arabs liberated it from the Turks.

On the other hand, Britain did rule Palestine.


The Emirate of Transjordan (Arabic: إمارة شرق الأردن, romanized: Imārat Sharq al-Urdun, lit. ‘the emirate east of the Jordan’), officially known as the Amirate of Trans-Jordan, was a British protectorate established on 11 April 1921, which remained as such until achieving formal independence in 1946.

10 posted on 11/02/2023 2:54:08 AM PDT by Brian Griffin
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To: Ragnar Danneskjöld

“Now ‘palestinians’ want both parts.”

Bear in mind that prior to 1870 they pretty much had both parts for centuries under Ottoman rule.

11 posted on 11/02/2023 3:03:09 AM PDT by Brian Griffin
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To: Ezequiel Doiny

Oct 7 showed they cannot depend on IDF to get there in time, if the Pali’s attack without warning using caches of stored weapons.

I don’t think Israel will have a choice: they must universally arm the Jewish population, who must keep their weapons with them in their homes rather than in communal armories, and must have CCW.

12 posted on 11/02/2023 3:11:34 AM PDT by SauronOfMordor (Either you will rule. Or you will be ruled. There is no other choice.)
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To: Ezequiel Doiny

The only reason the Hasimites of Jordan don’t want the “Palestinians” is that lot has been taught to worship death.

13 posted on 11/02/2023 3:50:52 AM PDT by PIF (They came for me and mine ... now its your turn)
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To: Ezequiel Doiny
Iranian replicas of U.S.-made Claymore antipersonnel mines, M4-style assault rifles, TNT and other explosives, and handguns

A goood intellectual property lawsuit could tie the Mullahs up for years and years.

14 posted on 11/02/2023 3:55:53 AM PDT by AndyJackson
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To: Ezequiel Doiny


15 posted on 11/02/2023 4:18:27 AM PDT by gattaca (Either you will control your government, or government will control you. Ronald Reagan)
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To: AndyJackson

old technology


The original M18 mine fell far short of Picatinny’s requirements. One of the first improvements was to replace the steel cubes with 7⁄32-inch (5.6 mm) hardened 52100 alloy ball bearings. These performed poorly for two reasons. Firstly, the hardened steel balls spalled into fragments when hit by the shock of the explosion; the fragments were neither aerodynamic enough nor large enough to perform effectively. Secondly, the blast “leaked” between the balls, reducing their velocity.

A second problem was the curvature of the mine. This was determined experimentally by Bledsoe, through a large number of test firings. After Bledsoe left the project to work at the Rheem corporation, William Kincheloe, another engineer, came onto the Claymore project.

Kincheloe immediately suggested using softer 1⁄8-inch (3.2 mm) steel “gingle” balls, which were used in the foundry process. They did not spall from the shock of the explosive, but deformed into a useful aerodynamic shape similar to a .22 rimfire projectile. Using a homemade chronograph, the engineers clocked the balls at 3,775 feet per second (1,151 m/s). The second change was to use a poured plastic matrix to briefly contain the blast from the explosive, so that more of the blast energy was converted into projectile velocity. After a number of experiments, the engineers settled on Devcon-S steel-filled epoxy to hold the balls in place. With this change, the velocity improved to 3,995 feet per second (1,218 m/s).

Technical challenges to overcome included developing a case to contain the corrosive C-3 explosive that would be durable enough to withstand months of field handling in wide temperature ranges. Using dyes to test various plastics for leaks, they found a suitable plastic called Durex 1661½, which could be easily molded into a case.

By the spring of 1956, Aerojet had a near-final design. It was awarded a pre-production contract for 1,000 M18A1 Claymores, designated T-48E1 during testing.

16 posted on 11/02/2023 4:30:46 AM PDT by Brian Griffin
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To: Ezequiel Doiny; Alberta's Child; woodpusher
This article is in dire need of an editor.

In 1921 the UK created the Emirate of Transjordan (Jordan) in the land of Mandatory Palestine

Not quite. Mandatory Palestine already existed as of 1920. Transjordan was not brought under British administration as part of the Mandate of Palestine until 1921 after the Cairo Conference, and even then matters of administration between Palestine and Transjordan were treated differently de facto (and de jure, insofar as questions of Jewish settlement were concerned).

(Also, notwithstanding the conflicting censuses and population surveys throughout the 19th century, the matter of which religious/ethnic demographic constituted a majority in a Jerusalem becomes a lot less impressive when said surveys seemingly show modern Jerusalem not cracking 50,000 people until after World War I.)

17 posted on 11/02/2023 4:37:00 AM PDT by Ultra Sonic 007 (There is nothing new under the sun.)
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To: AndyJackson

The M4 is also old technology


Interest in the M4 carbine was accelerated after the Battle of Mogadishu (1993), in which Rangers complained that their M16 rifles were “unwieldy”

In the Army, the M4 had largely replaced M16A2s as the primary weapon of forward deployed personnel by 2005. The M4 carbine also replaced most submachine guns and selected handguns in U.S. military service, as it fires more effective rifle ammunition that offers superior stopping power and is better able to penetrate modern body armor.

he Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) was started in 2017. The program aimed to replace the M4 Carbine and the M249 SAW with weapons that would compensate for their perceived deficiencies when fighting at longer ranges, as well as addressing concerns about the effectiveness of traditional 5.56x45mm ammunition against troops wearing body armor....SIG Sauer submitted a redesigned MCX variant known as the MCX-SPEAR. In early 2022, the program concluded, with SIG Sauer being declared the winner. Their rifle entry was designated the XM5 (later changed to XM7), and their automatic rifle the XM250

18 posted on 11/02/2023 4:37:40 AM PDT by Brian Griffin
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To: AndyJackson


19 posted on 11/02/2023 4:43:58 AM PDT by sauropod (The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly.)
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To: Ezequiel Doiny
Well OK, but the Kingdom of Jordan does not want them. Ever heard of Black September? Not the organization, the Jordanian civil war. These particular "Palestinians" are the descendent of refugees from that.

20 posted on 11/02/2023 8:11:38 AM PDT by Salman (It's not a slippery slope if it was part of the program all along. )
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