Whatever is was that they produced, it had an expiration date. Is it SOP to come up with a vaccine/therapy, put 100k doses on the shelf and then hope it will be used before being thrown out?
Put that damn CEO room Modern in Prison. He would be nice cellmate for Fauci.
Lock ‘em up for a long time.
!00,000 doses = 1,000,000 days in Prison!
Put that damn CEO room Modern in Prison. He would be nice cellmate for Fauci.
Lock ‘em up for a long time.
!00,000 doses = 1,000,000 days in Prison!
>> Whatever is was that they produced, it had an expiration date
Vague criteria to justify SOPs especially when it was targeting a newly crafted SARS strain. Unless Moderna was informed by the criminals perpetrating the virus.