Posted on 05/28/2023 1:39:05 AM PDT by spirited irish
So-called “pride” clothing for kids from a transgender designer who sells Satan-themed products? Where did all of this come from? Clearly, American corporations are transmission belts for satanism and communism. But the communists exported Cultural Marxism to the United States.
Many conservatives do not understand this.
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I just lost it when I read the title of this post. “Queer Communism.” In my mind’s eye I could instantly see Lenin, Marx, Trotsky and Stalin prancing around at a Pride Parade, making fiery speeches about the bourgeois aspects of drapes, color coordination, The Village People, Cher, voguing, bath houses and fisting. Bwahahahaha!
It’s a fact that nobody knows why Karl Marx turned away from God. It’s never been revealed what turned him from a defender of the faith to a person who would climb to Heaven if he could kill God.
It's the current generation of the last group that is behind the disintegration and 'queering' of America. They are the ones who tell us they will own everything and we will own nothing.
Remember when they said, all they wanted to do, was come out of the closet.
It’s part of the Marxist plan to destroy the family unit as the foundation of society. The queer rejects his biological family in favor of his queer community.
You see it in movies when a character declares his circle of friends as his new family.
Communism is gay.
Many commie actors of the 40s 50s were queer. Think grandpa Walton , Will Geer. He could skin Grizz or a foreskin.
From his pen...
With Satan I have struck my deal,
He chalks the signs, beats time for me
I play the death march fast and free.
The neo-Marxists, like the apologetics surrounding this side of Marx, try to insist, 'Marx didn't mean that.' He also didn't really mean to call :asalle a 'Jewish nigger' in a letter preserved as part of the whole Marx canon.
A source to some of Marx' fine ( /s ) thought:
One may read further: "Marx's Path to Communism | Mises Institute"
Let’s start with the LA Dodgers sponsoring anti-women, anti-Catholic blatant hate speech by nasty transvestite gay men.
It is not cute, not funny, is immoral and hurtful to millions of innocent victims threatened by this anti-social action.
“Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin enforced the Bolshevik project as they were the “purchased” enforcers. Who were the purchasers? Deep pocket millionaire Anglo-American bankers, corporatists, Wall Streeters, and other NWO aspirants.”
There is no evidence for that statement. The only evidence I find for any western money folks aiding the Bolsheviks was one banker in Sweden. And not all the money was from western sources. Some of it was deposited with his bank by the Bolsheviks from gains they got from what the confiscated from the Czar personally and from the Czarist government sources the Bolsheviks took down.
It’s a means of tearing down the West, until the Communists take power.
Then the queers will be first against the wall, as they impose the New Order.
Gays didn’t have a good time in the Soviet Union.
Well Stalin took care of Trotsky, and some even suggest he took care of Lenin.
Do the Chinese know about this?
I read a book on the guy once. According to the book, he was a complete loser in life. Always broke, dirty, free-loader. Pretty much a dirty, smelly hippie of the 1800’s with a European flavor.
I could see a loser like that blaming God, corporations, and successful free market types as the cause of his misery.
Some people refer to this as atheistic neopaganist fascism and I can find no fault with that rationale.
There is no evidence for that statement. The only evidence I find for any western money folks aiding the Bolsheviks was one banker in Sweden.
There is far more evidence than not. Here, for instance:
In an article entitled, "American Capitalism Gone with a Whimper," author Stanislav Mishin notes that, "on and off for the past century," Americans have been stealthily prepared to accept totalitarianism, and with the election of Barack Obama,
"It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American descent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the backdrop of a passive, hapless sheeple..."
"The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia," notes Mishin, "and a bloody test it was."
Who financed the bloody test? "Wall Street," says Mishin.
In his book "The Naked Capitalist," W. Cleon Skousen exposes the unholy alliance of bankers and capitalists collectively defined as "Wall Street" by Mishin. Skousen verifies his findings through the writings of Dr. Carroll Quigley, professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University and mentor to Bill Clinton. In his opus, "Tragedy and Hope," Quigley deliberately reveals one of the worlds' best kept secrets: the existence of a gigantic leviathan of political and economic power poised to seize control of the planet.
The gargantuan power complex says Quigley, has been — right from the start — controlling Marxist-Communist-Socialist groups,
"...the power that...Left-wingers exercised was never their own power or communist power but...the power of the international financial coterie." (p. 954, Tragedy and Hope)
Why did Quigley expose the existence of the global financial coterie? Because he says, it is now too late for the little people to turn the tide. He urges them to not fight the noose which is already around their necks, for they will only hang themselves.
"On the other hand, those who go along with the immense pressure which is beginning to be felt by all humanity will eventually find themselves in a man-made millennium of peace and prosperity." (The Naked Capitalist, Skousen, pp. 4-6)
Read “Between Marx and Satan” by Richard Wurmbrand.
1. Obama may have Marxist leanings but he had nothing to do with aiding the Bolsheviks in 1917 or anytime before his own Presidency.
2. Quigly makes “gargantuan” claims but claims by themselves are no more than opinions without evidence.
What your are really saying is you don’t have the evidence either and to get to it someone has to find it in the writings of Skousen and Quigly, where hopefully they offer more than just opinions. I’ll get the books on Amazon and then make my opinion of them.
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