When you’re at war, the Important Things in Life become much clearer. I guess Vlod likes big boobies.
got a big boob job too.
Is that real?
The true value of this Free Republic site is in sharing information to provide the opportunity to evaluate evidence to find truth. The goal is to be an ‘Independent Thinker’ in by considering different sources to determine truth and facts.
Otherwise, how can truth be discerned?
As I have said previously, I have learned as much from people whose views are opposite mine. Not because their oppositional viewpoint overpowered my view, but instead these opposing views clarified and confirmed mine. :)
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” Socrates
It is not Ze’s wife but Kira Rudick, a Ukie lawmaker, who grew up in the US and known as a fraudster in the Silicone Valley. She escaped to Ukraine and bought a place in the legislature which means immunity from extradiction and prosecution .
2. We didn't know you were in to that kind of photoshop fetish.