fireman15 wrote: “DugawayDuke runs with the heard of sheep; he is like my cousins who are both college professors.”
The ones running with the sheep on this forum are the anti-vaxxers. Every instance of anyone experiencing health issues is automatically assumed to be vaccine related, that’s running with the herd.
I suspect your cousins know more about the issue with their son than you do.
My brother-in-law died early in the “pandemic”. He was counted as one of the first Covid deaths in our state. He had been in hospice care for an inoperable cancerous brain tumor. When he died Covid tests were not available for people who were not celebrities or politicians. He had no symptoms related to Covid that anyone in the family was aware of.
He wasn't alone, there were incentives from the beginning for doctors and hospitals to attribute deaths to Covid that everyone knew were not actually Covid deaths including murders, trauma, cancer and heart disease. I am sure that you were alarmed by this as well. /s
In truth you ignored it when people who died from causes not related to Covid were called Covid deaths. You continue to ignore it when people who go to the hospital for cancers, heart disease, and other deadly maladies die, and then are counted as Covid deaths even if their actual cause of death had nothing to do with Covid. That does not offend you at all or raise any red flags.
It is only when people started to notice a 1600% increase in deaths in athletes and young people shortly after they had a Covid shot that you are offended. It is only after people notice that their healthy relatives and friends died within days of getting a covid shot that you are offended. That is because you are a sheeple who believes whatever the authorities tell you to believe. I am sorry for you. God blessed you with a brain that you refuse to use. It is sad but not a recent phenomenon.
My wife's grandfather gained his citizenship by serving in the US Army during the Spanish American War. Before WWI the Wilson administration whipped up anti-German passions so much that the local sheeple such as yourself burned down his house and ran the family including my wife's mother who was an infant out of town. The entire family nearly died of exposure and starvation. No one was more patriotic than my wife's grandfather. They had nothing to do with what was going on in Europe, yet the family was tormented and barely managed to survive. It was people exactly like you who did it.