i know my nephews girlfriend daughter is now a trans boy ( so a girl) and 1 thing rings true- she was a rather unattractive female and now that she’s a boy ( still a girl) she has let herself get very fat.
She gave up on trying to be pretty and now she’s an obese tranny.
Has an attractive girl ever woke up thinking they’re a boy? No, they haven’t. Every (female) tranny I’ve ever seen was an ugly or fat chick. I think they have low self-esteem, hate themselves (so it’s a form of suicide) and want the attention they never got. Transgenderism is a very dangerous phenomenon and those who participate need mental health treatment and those who support it deserve total ridicule. What Planned Parenthood needs shall not be said here.
I see that in celebrities’ kids. Cher, Jamie Lee Curtis...
the same thing happened to one of my son’s female friends who’s engaged to a male. I asked my son if this would be considered a same sex marriage? he didn’t reply