There’s no place to put another beltway, I285. It’s been talked about for years. Not feasible.
Uncontrolled development and sprawl. Nothing more.
Go to Hall County. Family sells land, developer comes in slams up a subdivision. Developer isn’t responsible for anything more than a turn lane to get into the place. Traffic at the nearest, 4-way intersection with a stop sign, is an absolute disaster all day long, with no way to expand the road to alleviate the congestion. And even if they do, it leads to more congestion.
Newton County, Georgia...Porterdale...The Oaks Golf Course...owned by the Schultz couple. Nancy was on the county commission. She lost her seat. Her and her husband sold the course for $15million. Apartment complex on the way. Local zoning board DENIES the application, zoning change request and building plans. Zoning Board overturned by city council. I dare you to go to the intersection by the course. During rush hour getting to the light will seem like an eternity. And, there’s no way to expand the road.
Oh more thing...half the golf course/future apartment complex sits in a flood zone. Didn’t think you could build in a flood zone or, if you did, get the requisite insurance, etc.