I first learned about Отава Ё about a year ago from somebody on a FreeRepublic thread. At the time a thumbnail explanation was given for the song...
Let’s get together with the nearest village and party,
eat lots of food and drink lots of Vodka.
Get drunk, show who is the alpha-male.
The villagers fight. The fighters shake hands & sleep it off.
Everybody wakes up in prison but it’s o.k. because it’s the most comfortable in the district.
There is a live version of this song here...
What’s interesting to me is that the log twirling guy does his thing on stage. With the log coming very close to the other band members heads, or, one misstep away from sailing out into the audience I’m sure you would never see that here given that this is a lawsuit just waiting to happen.
Another one I’d recommend...
It’s got understandable subtitles as well.
That was absolutely adorable! I read on Wikipedia that Otava Yo started out as a "Celtic Punk" group, and you can really hear it in the music. Those Celts spread all over Europe, down into Spain, etc.
I love how country people are the same everywhere. Reminded me a lot of Italy. The herds of goats -- fantastic -- leaping over one another to get in the corral. LOL!! Love the braided or knitted rugs and blankets. Just delightful!