metmom :(Criminalizing prepping)" Of course it is.
They are already demonizing preppers as “hoarders”. "
(From the article):" “ History has shown us that collectivism detests the individual.
The man who can exist independent of the system, who thinks for himself, who is not easily swayed, and who has values rooted in absolute truth which he refuses to give up – this is the enemy of collectivism. "
But if we take a closer look at one aspect of the individual – his ability to exist independent of the system – is it not clear this is an end goal of prepping?
It is, and this is why collectivism criminalizes preppers over and over again. We’ve seen it before and we’re seeing it right now, most notably in Turkey.
Look at what we’ve witnessed in Venezuela – yet another collectivist society that has been rocked by hyperinflation.
It was there, after communist policies caused a 20% shortage of basic goods, that Attorney General Luisa Ortega Diaz
called for prosecutors to target those who were “hoarders” of staples of daily life.
In other words, if you had a supply of rice stowed away in your basement, you were no longer safe. Now, you were a target. ! Within the US we’re already seeing widespread shortages of goods.
We’re already seeing massive inflation to the point that this is the highest levels of it the US has ever seen. “
Suggested rules for Preppers :
#1).. Our ancestors prepared for known uncertainties, even before they became a crisis.
We call that prudence, and foresight and gathering up surplus while it is still "in season", thus avoiding crisis.
Temporal preparedness is being prepared for shortages; but our ancestors were also were Bible based religious folk.
Spiritual preparedness also gives us something else that worldly property cannot give us - it gives us endurance during hardship, encourages hope, and strengthens faith.
#2) .. Many preppers transport supplies at night so as to minimize the number of people who may be aware of their legally purchased supplies during times of plenty.
“Many eyes,.. make for many spies !”
#3).. "Become the Gray man" - blend into the community, clothing camouflage, and behavior: slump over while walking like the rest of the down-beaten in worn clothing.
#4).. "You don't own it, unless you are willing to protect and defend it" – defensive firearms, weapons, tools, etc.. Humans are a competing species if it means survival
#5) .. If traveling to another area, many preppers will secrete cache supplies along the way to offer re-supply while enroute.
This might include fuel, appropriate clothing, canned goods, food, snacks, water filtration systems, tools, paper maps, compass, etc., buried in water tight containers .
#6).. Practice, practice, practice, etc., etc.,,,,
Want to know what weakness your prepper system are , then practice and you will find out where the chinks are in your armor.
Remember that prepping is a defensive strategy to assure your own personal and family survival.
Respect practice, because your life and survival, and those of your family, may depend on it !
I know people who have been prepping and do it surreptitiously.
They only buy about 10% more each shopping trip than usual. It’s not enough to raise any suspicions or red flags.
Although in this area of NH, to the north it’s pretty desolate, and I was in BJs once and the lady who was working said they had people from far up north who come in only once a month to do all their grocery shopping, so they buy a lot.
I guess it depends some on whether it’s unusual for someone to be stocking up or not. Local mentality plays a role here.
And DON’T talk about what you have stored up.
Pretend to be outraged at hoarders.
Growing your own also helps. You’d be surprised how much food you can produce in a small space. That helps you two ways. First, no one sees it in your grocery cart or on the store’s records if it’s growing in your backyard. And second, knowing how to grow and preserve food takes practice. As your skills improve, you’ll be able to grow more and more, lowering your dependence over time.