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To: Roman_War_Criminal

The “vaccines” are working.

They are a cure for Wuhan flu hysteria, not a vaccine for the flu.

Hysteria sufferers who get the vaccine overcome their hysteria, drop their precautions and get the flu.

The success of the vaccinations is measured by the number of vaccinated who get the flu.

36 posted on 11/08/2021 4:07:14 AM PST by TheDon (Resist the usurpers)
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To: TheDon
The success of the vaccinations is measured by the number of vaccinated who get the flu.

Hopefully medical geniuses will come up with ways to restore the body's natural immune system which is being destroyed by the vaxxxines.

Hospitals from Australia to the United States are being flooded with serious illnesses. The only common possible cause is that the vax is being pushed around the world. Millions will die if nobody can figure out a way to restore some of the immune system.

Numerous doctors warned of this possible outcome but the government hacks like Fauci charged ahead. It is almost like the DimWITS are intentionally killing millions to get the climate change destruction under control. The less people that are alive, the better for the planet said Bill Gates at one of the TED talks a few years ago when he said vaccines could be used to reduce the number of people.

46 posted on 11/08/2021 10:47:38 AM PST by politicianslie (Those who got vaxxed need to update their wills. Fall flu season approaches & vaxxes HURT immune sys)
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