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To: Roman_War_Criminal
The other important number to remember is the vaccination rate (percentage) in the general population.

If 88% of the population was vaccinated then we'd say gosh, it looks like the vaccine is no protection against dying. If the vaccination percentage was well above 88% at least we could say well, the vax makes it less likely you'll die.

Ditto the 77% number. If we were at 77% vaccinated, we'd say the vax is no help in keeping you out of the hospital. If the vaccination rate was well above 77% we could say well, the vax makes it less likely you'll be hospitalized.

The actual vaccination rate is 57.6%. Since that is well below both the hospitalization and death rates, it follows that having the vaccines actually makes it more likely you'll be hospitalized or die from covid. You read that right, the numbers do not lie.

I have a theory. This disturbing truth is probably due to a number of factors. I believe the most prominent two are these:

One, the vaccines damage your immune system. In particular, the mRNA vaccines are so direct, so focused, so strong a signal to your immune system that they probably desensitize it. More subtle cues to activate against an infection are slow to be recognized and thus you get into trouble before your body can react. Added to that, the mRNA is such a specifically targeted "message" to your immune system, it is primed and ready to go after that bad old covid...until a slight variation (eg. the delta variant) comes along that doesn't quite match the program...

Two, people that got the vax believed the propaganda, that they were now protected and safe. Being human, they slacked off on preventative measures, engaged in more risky behaviors. Given that the vaxes are not nearly as effective as promoted - studies are now showing 50% effectiveness at 6 months, virtually zero protection at 9 months - they got themselves infected at higher rates.

15 posted on 11/07/2021 7:29:54 PM PST by ThunderSleeps (Biden/Harris - illegitimate and everyone knows it.)
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To: ThunderSleeps
Two, people that got the vax believed the propaganda, that they were now protected and safe. Being human, they slacked off on preventative measures, engaged in more risky behaviors.

I call them "super spreader parties", where the vaxxed congregate at a social event.

I got invited to one of those a couple of weeks ago, and politely declined.

20 posted on 11/07/2021 7:38:55 PM PST by kiryandil (China Joe and Paycheck Hunter - the Chink in America's defenses)
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To: ThunderSleeps
"The actual vaccination rate is 57.6%. Since that is well below both the hospitalization and death rates, it follows that having the vaccines actually makes it more likely you'll be hospitalized or die from covid. You read that right, the numbers do not lie."

Thank you for validating the calculations I did and conclusions I reached before scrolling down read your message.

26 posted on 11/07/2021 8:00:50 PM PST by The Duke (Search for 'Sydney Ducks' and understand what is needed.)
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To: ThunderSleeps
"The actual vaccination rate is 57.6%. Since that is well below both the hospitalization and death rates, it follows that having the vaccines actually makes it more likely you'll be hospitalized or die from covid. You read that right, the numbers do not lie."

Thank you for validating the calculations I did and conclusions I reached before scrolling down read your message.

27 posted on 11/07/2021 8:00:55 PM PST by The Duke (Search for 'Sydney Ducks' and understand what is needed.)
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