This fact, that Vaccinated are getting sick, while not being published by mainstream media. The news is getting out there.
We are at a point where those that have refused will never take it, no matter the level of coercion involved. It is now to the point that we unvaccinated are united in the belief that the vax is a health risk if not a death sentence.
WE the unvaxed have decided to aggressively boost our immune systems with supplements and go on with life, the virus is reeking havoc on the obese with diabetes and the elderly, HOWEVER my mom who recently passed of a stroke was unvaxed 92 yrs. also taking the supplements everyday she was fine!! I believe that elderly not in nursing homes would also be fine IF they took the supplements everyday and didn’t have underlying conditions!!
She's in the hospital, they're not - but they sound horrible.
Still unsoiled. Well at least in our arms. 💉🐂💨💩
You're right. I am 100% convinced not only are there risks associated with taking any of the vaccines, "adverse reactions" I am also convinced they have long term negative effects on the immune system - in particular the mRNA based vaccines.
I believe the people that took the vax, especially the mRNA based ones, are now "on the wheel." By that I mean their immune systems are now compromised and desensitized to any message/cue more subtle than the volume-turned-up-to-eleven mRNA message that came in via the vax. But that artificial message and program fades after just a few months. Does their natural ability to fight off infection return, or is their immune system permanently damaged and only responsive to another "loud" message? Are they on the wheel, needing a booster every 6 months? What about other infections, are they on the rise in the vaccinated?
They are running on the hamster wheel, they dare not get off for fear of serious illness and death. They must dutifully line up every few months or die.
That’s where I am.