To: Roman_War_Criminal
I’m having difficulty believing that a landslide on a small island would create a huge tsunami across the other side of the Atlantic, across an arc of thousands of miles.
15 posted on
10/05/2021 5:33:19 AM PDT by
(A Leftist can't enjoy life unless they are controlling, hurting, or destroying others)
To: SauronOfMordor
I’m having difficulty believing that a landslide on a small island would create a huge tsunami across the other side of the Atlantic, across an arc of thousands of miles. I'm sure Ocean City MD would be a great place to visit once news of the La Palma island slipping into the ocean hits!
18 posted on
10/05/2021 5:35:33 AM PDT by
(Joe Biden takes the "em" out of empathetic)
To: SauronOfMordor
Naked Science video, on BBC
Good overview, live photos
Modeled scenarios
500 billion tons of rock sliding into the ocean
37 posted on
10/05/2021 6:13:06 AM PDT by
(In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act)
To: SauronOfMordor
Look it up. There is actual science that happened before politics took over the genre.
Yes, it is a very real possibility.
60 posted on
10/05/2021 8:09:52 AM PDT by
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