**According to the NT Jesus was the Word and the Word became flesh. Therefore, no one taught Jesus the Scriptures, rather it was Jesus that gave us the Scriptures.**
So God the Father was mute, and had no words to offer? You need to read through John, and notice the many times that the Son of God pointed to the source of the divine words that he spoke: his Father.
“God the Father was mute, and had no words to offer?”
God the Father, eternally says The Word (en arche, en Ho LOGOS), after which He has nothing else to say, having said, “The Son”.
Spirit has two main attributes, knowing and loving. God the Father’s Self-Knowledge is infinite, so much so that it is identical with Himself in Nature, but different in Person, so that God’s infinite Self-knowledge is the Son, Jesus.
And God’s infinite loving between the Father and the Son, sharing all things except being the Father and the Son distinctly as Persons in the One Nature of God, is the Holy Ghost.
Jesus didn’t become God, He is God.
“All things came into being through Him, apart from Him, nothing came into being that has come into being.”
John 1:3