“Israeli Political Tension...
Still posting half sentences with trail-off dementia dots?
Why not just post the full sentence? Cutting each sentence in half sends the message that you don’t respect your FReeper readers. As a matter of fact, it is a big “screw you!”
“They already jumped ship to join up with...”
Huh? What are you trying to say? Out with it! Why did you cut this sentence in half and add trail-off dementia dots before posting it here?
When you throw a dinner party, do you serve lobster shells and chicken skins, and then make your guests go to vending machines for additional hors d’oeuvres? Well, maybe you actually do.
What this thread needs is some classic Rush music and lyrics, without dementia trail-off dots.
Rush - Jacob’s Ladder
The clouds prepare for battle
In the dark and brooding silence
Bruised and sullen storm clouds
Have the light of day obscured
Looming low and ominous
In twilight premature
Thunderheads are rumbling
In a distant overture
All at once,
The clouds are parted
Light streams down
In bright unbroken beams
Follow men’s eyes
As they look to the skies
The shifting shafts of shining
Weave the fabric of their dreams
You have a theme?