At a bare minimum, looming ‘vaccine’ mandates for future ‘vaccines’ under the new medical technology regime will render the poisoned homo erectus immune system ineffective via a synergy of biological effects and toxicology damage.
The evidence will be apparent in our lifetimes if this medical tyranny is permitted to continue. The ‘strong’ must have the will to rebel, violently when needed.
Frankly, in spite of contradictive popular news reports of extending human life to 150 years, I believe the conspiracy is - albeit in-part population reduction - entirely intended to shorten human life expectancy. The actuarial tables are out there: It’s not only the US federal budget which is unsustainable, the irony being that it’s 3rd-world population growth threatening the planet and medical tyranny is targeting industrialized populations.
Such a position is only supported by what can only be described as a paradox, but I’ll leave that for others to debate.
There was a post - I believe yesterday, possibly a vanity - which outlined zero effect upon the life insurance industry by the ‘virus’...a scenario which should result in MSM headlines & a major wakeup call for others (vaxxers included). But - like WIV and Ivermectin/HCQ - it is relegated to spurious internet sites, further masked with shadow banning and algorithmic censorship.
They’ve effectively created a stealth ‘Carousel’ without the generational gaslighting which brainwashed an entire population (i.e. ‘Logan’s Run’ culture, absent ‘Renewal’).
The next few years should be interesting, if not outright terrifying...
I expect more vaccine mandates as well as mandates for microchip implants. They’re just getting started.