The de-policing in these dumps was already occurring naturally; money was running out, and racial hiring was stressed to re-distribute wealth while maintaining the façade of assimilation/a black middle class. The racial tokens don’t confront the Simbas (they know they are dangerous), and the non-black cops will no longer risk their jobs, pensions, lives, and freedom anymore.
The Eric Garner episode in Staten Island was shameful because there is a black female sergeant present in the video who does nothing to help (but certainly doesn’t discourage the cop on the ground); she is window-dressing, “playing cop”...
that’s exactly right, the police forces around the country are defunding themselves...
Those that can are retiring, some move to other cities where they are appreciated by the locals, and no one is lining up to replace them....
More and more unqualified people will eventually get hired and put on the streets with minimal training and make the situation worse...