Weren’t there many instances of the evidence being put out there?
I see your point.
But I feel that President Trump was trying to let it play out by the rules. Something he did throughout his Presidency on a range of issues.
Some of his lawyers identified something like 42,000 people that voted twice in Nevada. That was common knowledge. The courts in Nevada and elsewhere ignored that and refused to hear the real evidence.
A guy in Georgia hacked a voting machine while he was testifying about voter fraud and hacking the machines, they said couldn’t be hacked. And they still allowed the machines to be used.
He shared with me some info that was pretty detailed in format about events that were supposed to happen the first week in January of this year.
I told him if ANY of those events transpired I'd buy him lunch.
I still have my lunch money.
I will say I wish I didn't though.
In either case the scenario would make for a great book.