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To: null and void; aragorn; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; ...

Enter the dark ages of America. I think the following FR post is a good first cut at what to expect in the next few years in America -

Wuhan Virus -
On Wednesday, the California Department of Public Health announced new “guidance” for people in California who have the nerve to want to wander around their free country. CDPH wants Californians to stay within 120 miles of their residences except for “essential” travel. They also demand those gross “non-essential” travelers don’t come at all, but if they must, then they should quarantine for 10 days. Everyone traveling for anything should also quarantine for 10 days upon return to California. Could this be an attempt to quell any response to the Jan 6 event in DC.

Biden is advocating (and will probably order once he is in the WH) that all vaccines be issued out immediately. The Operation Warp Speed council advocated holding back half of the vaccines to insure that the first group got their required second shot (all vaccines currently available require a second shot). By issuing out ALL stocks, Biden risks people not getting their second shot and losing any protective results. But he doesn’t care, he’ll get his second shot.

Economy -
The number of jobs decreased officially last month by -140,000, worst since April. Much of this due to expanded lockdowns in blue states.

2020 Election-
The left continues to scream like banshees for Trump to step down. Pence has already nixed (at least for now) a 25th amendment removal. However, there is no level of trust that he’ll keep that position. Pelosi has put the wheels in motion to impeach the president - will likely be successful to push it through in a streamlined manner. Articles expected to be filed on Monday. Mitch McConnell on Friday circulated to colleagues a memo outlining the procedure for holding another trial for President Trump if the House impeaches him for a second time. The document, which was first reported by The Washington Post, lays out how the Senate would proceed if the House approves articles of impeachment and transmits them to the upper chamber before or by Jan. 19, when senators are scheduled to resume regular business after the January recess. Biden will be inaugurated before the senate can vote on the impeachment.

According to Rasmussen, Trump’s approval rating is still high at 48% (Jan 8 polling)

CW2/Domestic violence -
Yesterday began the great social media purge, essentially a cyber civil war. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, youtube and reddit deleted the accounts of tens of thousands in an effort to purge their sites of any thing Donald Trump. Many others, such as Rush, deleted their accounts preemptively. #GoodbyeTwitter is trending. Trump did tweet from the official POTUS account, twitter immediately deleted it. Monday may show just how much an economic hit Twitter and other Big Tech will face from this purge and goodbye.

Big Tech also has set their sights on Parler, with Google removing its app, and Apple expected soon to follow because it won’t institute draconian speech restrictions on the right. Parler and MeWe experienced heavy usage thought to be people fleeing from Big Tech.

Cancel culture ‘warriors’ are pushing to have Fox News, News Max and others removed from cable and internet servers as well. The battle to control speech and distribution of news out side of the American Pravda is just beginning.

14-year veteran of the US Air Force Ashli Babbitt has received no recognition from congress, who yesterday honored a Capitol Police office that died last week.

People identified in the capitol building are losing their jobs across the country.

Weasels in the pentagon have compromised themselves by essentially taking orders from Pelosi, who called the Joint Chiefs to demand what they are doing to prevent Trump from using nuclear weapons.

The AP is reporting that national guard soldiers may be armed and on the streets during the inauguration. Right now, the only “protests” that are scheduled are from BLM/Antifa.

RUMINT - I’m hearing that militia groups are gearing up and gathering up across the country. A word of warning, there is a high probability that they have been infiltrated by government agents and provocateurs as the standoff a couple years ago in Oregon proved. From my info, it seems the ones gathering are the more hot-headed ones.

Wiki leaks release a boat load of documents yesterday. I expect a bunch of finds over the next couple days.

Leftist Portland Mayor Wheeler was accosted and punched by BLM/Antifa protestors at a restaurant.

More and more videos at the Capitol show the police letting protestors in with other photos showing the ‘protestors’ honoring the velvet ropes in the rotunda and not swarming all over. How can it be a “breach” if the police invite you in? Its the media’s attempt to produce false narrative about the capitol building “riots.”

More evidence of agent provocateurs from BLM/Antifa promoting the push in to the capitol, the leader of Far-Left ‘Insurgence USA’ Group, John Sullivan, encouraged rioters to enter the Capitol.

“Right Wing Extremists” as defined by NBC, are reportedly planning to march in DC for the Biden inauguration. Since his inauguration will be wuhan friendly, there will be virtually no public events. BLM/Antifa still have a protest scheduled - likely to push biden further to the left. This may fuel violent confrontations.

China -
US Ambassador to the UN, Kelly Craft, visited Taiwan yesterday, sparking off another round of vitriolic condemnations by China. “We wish to remind the United States that whoever plays with fire will burn himself,” the Chinese mission to the UN said in a statement. “The United States will pay a heavy price for its wrong action,”

N Korea -
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un threatened to expand his nuclear arsenal as he disclosed a list of high-tech weapons systems under development, saying the fate of relations with the United States depends on whether it abandons its hostile policy, state media reported Saturday. Kim’s comments during a key meeting of the ruling party this week were seen as applying pressure on the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden, who has called Kim a “thug” and has criticized his summits with President Donald Trump. Kim’s comments were made during the ruling Workers’ Party congress, the first in five years. (AP)

43 posted on 01/09/2021 6:05:15 AM PST by Godzilla ( I just love the smell of COVFEFE in the morning . . . . )
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To: Godzilla
By issuing out ALL stocks, Biden risks people not getting their second shot and losing any protective results. But he doesn’t care, he’ll get his second shot.

He gets shot, we get President Kamala.

44 posted on 01/09/2021 8:28:14 AM PST by null and void (When the press doesn’t report something, it’s because the narrative would reflect badly on the Left)
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To: null and void; aragorn; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; ...

Please, please remember not to automatically accept as fact anything you read on the internet. The is so much misinformation, disinformation and flat out tinfoil flying around out there you need to be alert to and not accept without critical evaluation and verification.

Globalism / Great Reset -
The purpose of censorship, lying and deception is to control the information we read. Globalists do not want us to believe things that contradict what they say. They are trying to silence all opposition to their Global Reset / New World Order. Most of the media owners are part of the globalist movement, or at the very least, catering to it. Today’s society gets much of its world view information from social media. The great social media purge has pulled back the curtain on this aspect of the globalist agenda.

Wuhan Virus -
Vaccine makers are continuing to say their product is effective against new strains of the virus.

Blue states are demanding more units of vaccine, but they have a lot already on hand but are being inefficient in getting it out.

Economy -
Food prices indexes continued to rise for the 7th consecutive month. These price increases, coupled with the significant shortages could adversely impact citizens in the coming months. (On a personal note, we went to wally-world to find some stew meat - and if you old timers remember, stew meat was kinda the castoff pieces of the process and cheap - it was running over $6/lb. We eventually bought a Tri-tip roast for $5/lb. Price increases will deprive folks of protein necessary for the diet.)

CW2/Domestic violence -
CYBER FRONT - Big tech has temporarily thwarted Parler. Both Apple and Google have removed its app from their respective store and yesterday Amazon announced that they will ban the site of their servers where it is currently residing. Parler CEO said yesterday the company is shifting to new server host and hopefully will be back on line by Tuesday . Further said the effort was a “coordinated attack by tech giants to kill competition”. Meanwhile, expulsions/departures from social media continue unabated as twitterfacebookinstagramyoutube et al piously claim they are protecting Americans from hate while allowing leftist hate to thrive.

In its effort to stomp out violent speech and incitement of violence, Twitter ignores the trending “hang mike pence” hashtag.

Mozilla, the foundation and developer of the popular free web browser Firefox, published a blog post on Friday arguing that silencing and de-platforming President Donald Trump is not enough and that the entire internet needs to be re-tooled to stifle political dissent. Mozilla essentially called everyone who didn’t vote for Democrats in the last election racist. Essentially Mozilla wants to weaponize the entire internet. Push back has started with many going to alternative web browsers. Western Journalism quote of the day from this article “Big Tech is creating martyrs for free speech while debasing discourse.” This is the case of what’s been happening the past few days across social media.

Yesterday, CNN stepped up their campaign to have Fox News blacklisted and removed from cable networks and the internet.

The Lincoln Project announced it is compiling a data base of Trump officials and staff that details their role in the administration and track where they are. Similar ‘data bases’ have been compiled by other democrat groups for all supporters.

Alan Dershowitz reportedly said that social media (twitter and facebook) should lose Section 230 protections after banning Trump and supporters. Add to this, the ACLU has stated opposition to Twitter’s massive banning of conservative voices.

Pelosi makes accusations of “Sedition”, “Cowardice” and “Coup”, while over the weekend attempted to enlist the military to physically remove the president from office. From the Western Journal - Pelosi called Milley to ask him to ignore orders from Trump to use those codes. It’s unclear what initiated the call to Milley. No specific threat from Trump seems to exist, suggesting the call was made for political purposes. The pelosi reportedly told Milley she wants to limit the president from responding to international threats during the final days of his term. A statement from Col. Dave Butler, a spokesman for Milley, confirmed to The Times that the call took place. “Mr. Trump, they noted, is still the commander in chief; unless he is removed, the military is bound to follow his lawful orders. While military officials can refuse to carry out orders they view as illegal — or slow the process by sending those orders for careful legal review — they cannot remove the president from the chain of command. That would amount to a military coup, the officials said,”

Pelosi has reportedly given Pence until today to invoke the 25th amendment or she’ll start impeachment proceedings. Charges have already been written up and are set to be introduced in the house on Monday. Thru raw political power, the democrat house is likely to push through an indictment but it is unlikely the Senate will deliver a verdict of guilty as charged before the 20th. Deranged, democrats are trying to see if such actions can be continued against a former president, the goal to completely remove his influence on future national elections. Liberal atty (one of the few ‘honest’ liberals left in public view) Alan Dershowitz commented this weekend that impeaching Trump again is unconstitutional. He is reported to have said that it would be an “honor and privilege” to defend Trump if democrats try to impeach again.

Former CIA Director John Brennan wants Mao-like public humiliation sessions for Trump supporters before they will be accepted back into society. “Total denunciation of a despot’s legacy is necessary to eradicate any remaining malignancy “. The left’s desire for re-education ‘camps’ and internment facilities is very much alive and well. Note how they go to Soviet/Chinese models to combat opposing views/politics.

I’m trying to get better confirmation, but one of the most visible characters in the Capitol event was ‘buffalo boy’. MSM claimed he was a Trump and Q supporter and fanatic. News came out yesterday that he was the son of a very liberal judge and a Bernie boy. Other sources claim he portrays himself as an actor.

Preemptive fear mongering by the Washington (com)post. “Calls for widespread protests on the days leading up to the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden have been rampant online for weeks. These demonstrations are scheduled to culminate with what organizers have dubbed a “Million Militia March” on Jan. 20 as Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris are to be sworn in on the same Capitol grounds that rioters overran on Wednesday.
As with the online chatter ahead of that assault on the Capitol, these calls to action have bristled with violent talk and vows to bring guns to Washington in defiance of the city’s strict weapons laws. Twitter cited some of these posts in its announcement stripping Trump of his account and preventing him from creating new ones in the future. Some event listings are openly discussing delivering “justice” for Ashli Babbitt, a rioter and Air Force veteran who was fatally shot by police inside the Capitol on Wednesday.”
MY OBSERVATION - for once the WP is pretty close to the news. Right wing militia member are seriously tee’d off and I can expect some sort of protest around the 20th. BLM/Antifa still has their protest scheduled too for that day. Another group is calling for armed marches in DC and all state capitols on Jan 17th. FOLLOWERS OF HISTORY will note that when a tyrannical regime trys to silence opposition, that opposition will double down and increased tyranny results in increased violence from their opponents who see no other means of response once their peaceful avenues or redress have been closed off. Note the Declaration of Independence folks.

China -
In a move that will give China conniption fits, the United States is ending restrictions governing official contacts with Taiwan, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Saturday, a move hailed by Taipei as ending “decades of discrimination”. This will last only as long as it takes for biden et al to reverse the policy for his CCP masters.

North Korea -
Kim Jong Un on Saturday threatened to expand his nuclear arsenal as he disclosed a list of high-tech weapons systems under development. Kim’s comments came during a key meeting of the ruling party and are seen as applying pressure on the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden.

Pakistan -
Yesterday, a nation wide blackout hit the country and it is still off in most parts of the country. As a marker to how much has recovered, national internet connectivity is down 52%. “A countrywide blackout has been caused by a sudden plunge in the frequency in the power transmission system,” Pakistan’s Power Minister Omar Ayub Khan said on Twitter. I can only guess what they mean here. AC reverses the current flow at specific cycles per second (hertz). In the US this is 60 hertz. I can only guess that a major generating facility lost the ability to control the hertz of the production and this fowled up the grid.

Venezuela -
In what is destined to be a foretelling of America’s future, the Maduro-controlled National Assembly will legislate to expropriate houses and farms from Venezuelans that have emigrated as well as to INCARCERATE OPPOSITION LAWMAKERS (EMPH mine), the Assembly’s Vice President, Iris Valera, reiterated Wednesday.
NOTE - Anti-mauduro elements BOYCOTTED the election. This gave the congress over to his total control and with it the legitimacy. this is the disaster of “boycotting” elections (and we saw this in the Georgia runoff).

46 posted on 01/10/2021 6:29:30 AM PST by Godzilla ( I just love the smell of COVFEFE in the morning . . . . )
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