And who's fault is that?
Why has President Trump repeatedly failed to dismiss Christopher Wray despite repeated calls by his supporters and leading conservatives to do so?
All Trump had to do was put a hard charging conservative in charge of the FBI at the start of this year and this massive election fraud would have been stopped cold.
the turtle was never going to allow that to happen. let’s face facts, The President was on his own and 99.9% of DC wanted him gone ASAP
“All Trump had to do was put a hard charging conservative in charge of the FBI at the start of this year and this massive election fraud would have been stopped cold.”
I know it seems that simple... but I don’t think it works that way - there are literally millions of bureaucrats in the executive branch that have been there for decades while Presidents come and go.
Getting control over the FBI, DOJ, etc. is more complicated than replacing the guy at the top.
Also, there is a political calculation that has restricted the role of every post Watergate Republican president:
How much authority can a President wield before the press turns the public against him?
In the eyes of a brainwashed public, where does “draining the swamp“ end, and a political purge begin?
The Left always sought to cast President Trump as an overreaching tyrant - how many political enemies could he have fired before the fake news made that narrative stick.
I think the corollary is true as well: in a fairly scored election, President Trump won by a massive landslide. I believe much of his popularity and as a result of him being unfairly treated and people coming to his defense.
In other words, being the target of unfair attacks from all sides - even from within his own administration - that did not hurt President Trump’s popularity one bit. His enemies behaved badly - and the public witnessed the whole thing.
This election fraud is a total disgrace, and the Democrats might have walked into another of President Trump’s traps.
I hope when President Trump leaves office in 2025 he has time to write his memoirs. It would be a fascinating to know what really went on in all of these power struggles.