Texas is not nearly as red as people here imagine it to be. And the trends aren’t good. It’s probably only an election or two away from flipping. Demographics in Texas are not in our favor.
You know I have neighbors who moved from Illinois and Colorado (via San Bernadino), and these folks are very conservative, granted it is only a small sampling, but not all of the folks coming here are straight up morons.
Now the folks that I have met from New York, New Jersey, so far ship ALL of them back, no value in them at all.
Because it’s being INFESTED WITH kookafornians, nyscum and all the rest of the STUPID CRAPPY demonratcommiescumbags.
Why ?
Because they already ruined the places they left...
Texas decided to attract a bunch of liberals from CA and NY, and are paying for it. Should have increased taxes.
If you don’t want stray cats, never leave out milk.
Every single time conservatives think dirt is magic, and get stung and destroyed