Ms. Powell says she believes "7 Million" votes were stolen from Trump nationwide and "10 Million" votes fraudulently given to Biden. Currently, Biden has 79.8M votes, Trump 73.8M votes (according to NY Times). So if corrections are made to remove the election-fraud impact that Ms. Powell claims, President Trump would actually have 80.8M votes and Biden only 69.8M votes -- a huge Trump landslide victory.
Ms. Powell also says she believes the following were involved in this election-fraud conspiracy against President Trump:
Ms. Powell says she "thinks" the "dedicated little team we have" can assemble and present its election-fraud case before the Electoral College votes on Dec. 14.
UPDATED COMMENTS: Given Ms. Powell's comments, it's clear why the "DOJ, NSA, FBI, and DHS" (and "CIA") aren't doing anything about the election fraud -- just look at the Trump legal team's public accusations against those organizations. Furthermore, Ms. Powell's description of President Trump's "dedicated little team" of attorneys indicates very few lawyers want involvement in this federal election-fraud case, possibly for a variety of reasons.
The anti-Trump Democrat Party planned this entire 2020 election-year Chaos, including its extremely broad and deep election fraud, absolutely convinced it would be impossible for President Trump to figure it all out and then fully prosecute it in court, given the extremely narrow timeframe between Nov. 3 (election day) and Dec. 14 (Electoral College vote). The Democrats and Soros learned from the Bush-Gore 2000 election dispute that trying to pull a scam in just one county or state isn't nearly enough. Instead, they've got to perpetrate a massive, nationwide election fraud involving a grand international conspiracy, focused on many swing-states (and their Democrat-controlled cities), including a manipulated election voting system as well as assistance and funding from foreign countries. Ergo, the 2020 Presidential election.
BOOM! The mighty Liechtenstein is involved!