Follow up on the story.
I spent a very frustrating day(about 6 hours) trying to locate the remaining 18 entities that were on the list. Nine are female, three are male and the balance are/were small businesses. I located one male that is deceased. Pretty poor results. I was talking to the private eye that we use at work for back round checks and asked him the best way to research this matter. He was fascinated by the subject and insisted that he look into it for cost. I took him up on it.
He located 5 of the females and and one of the remaining males and one of the heirs of one of the businesses. Most of the females had been married more than once and it makes them harder to find. The one business heir that he found were so moved by the effort that they will be donating the money returned from my relative to a charity of their choice. The “apology” letters from my relative and the checks for the amount(if that was warranted) he felt he owed them are going out in the mail today. I will also be mailing a substantial check with the balance of the funds to a Veterans House in the city where my relative lived.
As a side note it is truly sobering that amount of information available on the net about all of us. The PI has access to databases that I would of had to join and pay a fee to utilize.
Thank you for your thoughts on this matter. I appreciate it.
God bless you bigglee for doing this for your cousin. You’ll see him in the clouds sooner than later.
Thanks for the feedback and God bless you...and that “hound from Heaven” private eye.