The two things that give him the most credibility to me are his belief in the Messiah and faith in Him, and bigger yet, his call to repentance.
He emphasizes that every time I hear him speak or preach.
I cant think of very many other preachers who even talk about that, much less call people to it.. Everyone seems to focused on the prosperity gospel nonsense and how God wants to bless us and make us fat, dumb, and happy.
So true. Repentance is everything. Too much preaching about revival and not enough of this.
As a nation, we certainly have plenty to repent for. Especially in regards to the slaughter of the most innocent and spreading the practice worldwide. Cahn mentions in the interview that NY was the first state to legalize the practice in ‘70, even before the SCOTUS did in ‘73, and goes on to connect the 50 year anniversary in 2020 with the 50 year Jubilee. I’ve felt the same about the 50 year anniversary of this evil practice, but had thought 2023 was the year. He is right to call for repentance. I wish more who preach the Word of God would do so.