7 divided by 1600 is 0.4%, not 0.004%.
Flu is around 0.1%
“7 divided by 1600 is 0.4%, not 0.004%.
Flu is around 0.1%”
Thank God someone has a brain and/or a calculator. The .004% figure comes from this idiot in the Daily Mail.
Ryan Fahey (moron squared)
What’s amazing is that the EDITORS at the Daily Mail couldn’t figure this out either - and 2 hours later they haven’t corrected the article. They probaby believe there were 150 million gun deaths since 2007 in the US also, like Joe Biden said.
No. Thats not how you do it. Those are ones admitted to hospital. Over 36,000 have been tested. At least fifty percent had it with no symptoms
7/18000 is indeed .0004
7 people died.
182,000 have the virus.
7 divided by 182,000 is 0.4%.
7/1600 = 0.004375 (~0.004)
7/160 = 0.04375 (~0.04)
My calculator doesn’t have a sticky 0 key