“...Either that or just give a million dollars to all 40 million poor people in America and save money by cutting out all the middlemen.....”
Within five years, most of em would all be “poor” again.
Just look at the finances of most of the big-time lottery winners.
Basic money management skills are lacking as much as plain old math skills, if not worse. Common core serves to only make it much worse...on purpose.
...Either that or just give a million dollars to all 40 million poor people in America and save money by cutting out all the middlemen.....
Within five years, most of em would all be poor again.
Just look at the finances of most of the big-time lottery winners.
Basic money management skills are lacking as much as plain old math skills, if not worse. Common core serves to only make it much worse...on purpose.”””
I remember about 10 +++ years go that Santa Ana, Calif had a chronic problem with one particular homeless person sleeping/urinating. etc. , on the steps of the City Hall, Courthouse.
The city kicked this guy off time & gain & he kept coming back and openly creating a health problem.
The ACLU ? finally sued on his behalf because the city was harassing him. He was paid $250,000 == plenty of $$$ to clean up his life & get some stability.
A TV station found him ONE YEAR later—and interviewed him. He was penniless & could NOT account for where the funds had gone.