To: RArtfulogerDodger
Antifa said tomorrrow they are going to throw acid in peoples faces at the July 4th celebration. Let’s see how Mr. Adams feels then if that happens.
8 posted on
07/03/2019 1:19:57 PM PDT by
(As long as Hillary walks free, equal justice under the law will never exist in the USA)
To: GrandJediMasterYoda
There is no justification for the behavior of Antifa.
21 posted on
07/03/2019 2:09:27 PM PDT by
To: GrandJediMasterYoda
Just the threat of thrown acid will keep some people away. Threats like these also threaten free assembly and free speech.
I wonder if Mr. Adams will have something to say about the acid throwing threat?
38 posted on
07/03/2019 5:32:01 PM PDT by
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