YES! I discovered during an ant invasion that they HATE peppermint oil. I refuse to kill ants or any bugs unless they’re the biting kind, nor do I use any toxic pesticides which are harmful to good bugs too and people. I actually studied up on ant behavior and I really like them. Just not 1000 of them in the house.
Currently I put a small yogurt lid in a corner with a spoon of honey so the few ants in the house don’t wander around and get stepped on, they just eat honey and go away.
Oinging the list [freepmail to get on/off] - a FReeper asked about blood pressure. Here are links to herbs that help with blood pressure and, as is usual with herbs, help the heart in other ways; and even non-heart uses. Herbs are amazing.
Hawthorne Berry
A number of herbs for heart health in general, including BP
Since I have had some heart issues for several years, including BP, I have experience with these herbs and daily take a heart blend I make using these. Hibiscus I take separately and need to use it more. Hibiscus makes a nice tea. The others - well, mix ‘em up, take a good teaspoon, pour boiling water, let sit until drinkable temperature, add honey if desired, and swaller it down. It keeps my heart behaving itself most of the time.
I find that fear, anxiety, strife like arguments, other peoples’ dramas, reading too much bad news - really affects my heart. And more so the older I get. Maintaining peace of mind is very helpful for heart health. Regular exercise appropriate to age and health condition is also very important. Good walks (ie not strolling) is one of the best excercise.
I’ve had issues with walking for 3 years and working on that because it is definitely impacting the heart/lungs.