Why is there not a law that puts politicians in prison if they push unconstitutional laws? Try them for betraying their oath of office! If they screw with us, there is no longer a consent of the governed and no reason to follow their laws. Then it is open season. They should be careful what they wish for, but they are too stupid and too evil in most cases.
“Why is there not a law that puts politicians in prison if they push unconstitutional laws?”
Good point. Why does society have to wait for bad bills to become law and have bad effects on citizens, before they are ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS?
The former liberal majority on SCOTUS kept 2A cases from even being heard. That’s changing. When death looses RBG’s grip on her SCOTUS seat, all kinds of gun rights cases will finally be considered.
Feinswine will also die as a rotten failure. How many guns has her anti-2A jihad actually confiscated?