Ancestry seems to be changing or honing its results. It originally made me Italian, Spanish, and Irish with 12 percent Jewish, which I joked meant I had really high interest rates when giving loans.
Now it has declared me Spanish, French, and Portuguese, with no Italian, Irish or Jewish at all. A surprisingly total reversal, but makes sense since my family never doubted being gloriously of pure Spanish ancestry. Well, I guess we were almost totally Spanish.
Why don’t they have a Hispanic category?
But first, you might want to go to ancestry dot com or gen web dot com who started the whole thing and see if any of your direct line relatives are on file in their database with setting set to public. You may have cousins you don't know about that are genealogists. They have ‘free’ days a couple times a year so you don't have to register. You may find out all you need to know without spending more money for a test.
Did your result actually use the term Spanish? My result had some Spanish, but it was termed "Iberian Peninsula".
I used Ancestry DNA testing because both my grandmothers were adopted. There were some big surprises in the results, but the results made sense. Ancestry provided me with many unknown cousin matches, some of whom may be related to me through the grandmothers’ birth parents.