Gun confiscation is coming, but it wont be overnight. Were not going to see hundreds of SWAT teams sweeping the nation to confiscate ARs.
Gun control at the federal level will mirror the approach weve seen at the state level. The Dems will at some point control both Houses and the WH. First, theyll pass an assault weapon and high capacity magazine ban, similar to the previous one....but without an expiration date this time. Youll be allowed to keep already owned weapons, but it will ban manufacture and transfers.
Just as when the 1994 AWB was passed, gun owners will grumble and gripe, but nothing more. After all, it wont be as if theyre actually taking anything away (yet). Let things settle in for some years. Then, after an inevitable horrific mass shooting,, pass a mandatory buy back of the Australian model, giving something close to market value. Many gun owners will comply. Many will not. What they wont do is go door to door for them, in spite of million of Americans becoming felons overnight.
As the years go by, one will regularly read of incidents where someone had an illegal gun or magazine in their car when being pulled over, or in their house during a domestic dispute call, resulting in felony charges getting tacked on (as is currently the case in a couple of states). As the years go by, some guns are surreptitiously passed down to family members. Many arent.
As the decades roll on, there remains a small, increasingly rare group of Americans with access to such weapons.
I very much hope Im wrong , but this (or something similar) seems to me most likely scenario.
" wont be overnight..."