of course Obama knew it all - it begins with him and everyone under him who was involved in the unmaskings etc, and encompasses many more people as we all know.
President Trump has understood this, possibly since Admiral Rogers visited him in Trump Tower on 17 Nov 2016, yet he has had to allow the ridiculous Mueller investigation to dominate his entire presidency with the help of the FakeNewsMSM.
what an absolute disgrace.
it’s time for the Spygate affair to break wide open.
Yes it all begins with brocko. Valerie Jarrett gave the actual orders to give the pantywaist plausible etcetera.
I, too, am ready for all of those bustards to be exposed and start turning on one another. That is exactly how it will happen, as the Lord once said: “that which was done in secret shall be shouted from the housetops”. Amen, so be it.