Let’s take the entire original comment:
11/17/2018, 1:16:42 PM · 79 of 100
ro_dreaming to Yosemitest
The President, and the Executive branch, are not part of Congress.
They can make any regulation they want.
“They” refers to the President and the Executive Branch.
Quit trying to be a putz.
Then you just clarified yourself to another senseless comment:
The President, and the Executive branch, are not part of Congress.
They can make any regulation they want.
They refers to the President and the Executive Branch.
So .. what you said is clarified to:
They [the President, and the Executive branch] can make any regulation they want.
Well, since WHEN does
"the President, and the Executive branch" have ANY AUTHORITY to make ANY regulation ?"
Congress makes regulations, in accordance with the United States Constitution.
The President (as head of the Executive Branch) either APPROVES OR VETOS those regulations (called bills) Congress makes.
After the President approves those BILLS, then they become LAWS.
Now go sue the organization that you got your FAULTY education from.