A well written post.
I was born a few years later. We had electricity and indoor plumbing.
My four older sisters remembered when we had neither.
The first family who had indoor plumbing in our little burg, ran the run off pipes into the nearby creek. It was clear and we could wade in it... it had minnows, etc you could see from just looking in the water.
With that run off, the creek was not inhabitable. They didn’t have regulations as to run off waste, back then. But you could tell what happened if you did.
I don’t remember another family getting a bathroom there for a long time. There was a toilet outside.
I have 2 bathrooms now in my home... I have a framed picture of an outhouse in both... as a reminder from whence I came. The Sears catalog was in most of the outhouses... not ours.. we had TPaper.. Grandma said she was not going to have a catalog in hers.