Hike in bear country, expect to see bears.
Bike in islamonut country, expect to be a target.
Bears are great, wonderful expressions of nature and God's creation, but if you meet a Grizzy in its habitat, you best meet it with your eyes wide open and prepared.
The closing paragraph of the linked article said it all:
"...In the last analysis, it's a story about two young people who, like many other privileged members of their generation of Americans, went to a supposedly top-notch university only to come away poorly educated but heavily propagandized imbued with a fashionable postmodern contempt for Western civilization and a readiness to idealize and sentimentalize the other (especially when the latter is decidedly uncivilized). This, ultimately, was their tragedy: taking for granted American freedom, prosperity, and security, they dismissed these extraordinary blessings as boring, banal, and (in Austin's word) beige, and set off, with the starry-eyed and suicidal naivete of children who never entirely grew up, on a child's fairy-tale adventure into the most perilous parts of the planet. Far from being inspirational, theirs is a profoundly cautionary and distinctly timely tale that every American, parents especially, should take to heart..."