I agree - the last thing we need is more government interference. If you think social media is manipulated by its leftist minders, wait until it is manipulated by a leftist government. You’ll look back with rue and regret and long for the ‘good old days.’
Shall we let cell phone providers and ISPs ban based on political content? That’s what you’re advocating for.
Amen. Free speech exposes bullies and idiots.
Free market solutions is the only way to go.
Facebook promoting the LEFT, dont use them, it doesnt matter what the reason is to keeping using them, it is not as important as our freedom
Twitter, the same thing. Cable tv basic bundle needs to go away.
I will NOT fund the LEFT even if the only option left is a portable AM radio.
If everyone followed my example, Google, Twitter, Facebook would already be gone or, at least, a shadow of its former self.
See tagline
Agree - those who consider themselves conservative and think there’s a series of “Noble Cause” clauses in the Constitution are every bit as dangerous as the Left.