He wasn’t always right, but with his quick wit, he brought a lot of gallows humor to the miserable Hussein years.
I did not agree with Krauthammer on too many issues...but, Charles was a great American none the less. He was dead wrong on Trump.....but so was Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama & company. The difference is Krauthammer will go down in history as a great American commentator and Obama & Clinton will both have shameful legacies and criminal halos around their necks & over their heads. Satan awaits both of them...while Krauthammer will be greeted by droves of God’s Angels as he floats into the paradise of our Lord.
I did not agree with him in most cases...but, I loved him...he loved America and he loved baseball, Obama & Clinton loved neither!!! Only themselves!!!
Charles, old buddy “REST-IN-PEACE”...your heavenly Father adores you!!!