100% wrong. The leftists will die for their cause. They are ALREADY waging war against us. We WON'T do anything about it, however, because we gotta get up and go to work to pay that mortgage, make those car payments, cover insurance premiums, make sure the spouse and kids are clothed & fed, meet the RV and boat and ATV payments, and buy beer to watch the "big game" on that new flat screen TV.
Make no mistake - the war rages on around us now - today. We do nothing.
Well if you are so concerned get off your dead end and start marching in the streets or whatever you think will do the most good.
I am absolutely NOT 100% wrong. I am not even 1% wrong. #ANTIFA and other #RESIST noise makers are absolutely cowards. They are not dying in the streets for their cause.
The left is comprised, primarily, of agitators with absolutely no supporting principles save #Impeach Trump. They are, in fact, snowflakes, who moan and cry when held accountable for their obstreperous behavior. Push them, hard. They buckle under every single time, squealing about their #RIGHT TO PROTEST, as though bad behavior were some God given Constitutional rprivilege.